Repent meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Repent
As verb : अछताना पछताना Ex:  He had to repent his thoughtless act.
दुछताना Ex:  Bring to repent पचताना ‡ Ex:  Coming to repent पछताना Ex:  Having repent of his sins पछितावना Ex:  I promise you he will repent पश्चाताप करना Ex:  I repent of having done, to have not such thing
Other : तोबा करना Ex:  Action repent दुख के साथ स्मरण करना Ex:  and threat, You will do me good account of such conduct, I shall know you repent to पश्चाताप Ex:  I will repent प्रायश्चित्त करना Ex:  If he ever fell under my hand, he will repent of having offended me
Repent ki paribhasha : kisi kiye hue anuchit kaary ke snbndh men pichhe se dukhi hona
Usage of Repent in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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