Replicate meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Replicate
As verb : दोहराना Ex:  The bloodstream trypomastigotes do not replicate . उ:   यह शब्द 'व्यापक' के रूप में एक अपनी दोहराना पूर्ण इसका मतलब है।
पीछे झुकाना Ex:  I do not have to replicate पीछे मोड़ना Ex:  In terms of Palace Reserving the reply declare that we want to replicate पौरुक्ति Ex:  It means, in ordinary language, which is decisive, against which there is nothing to argue, to replicate प्रतिकृति बनाना Ex:  This child is always something to replicate प्रतिलिपि बनाना Ex:  What he said was so obvious that I saw nothing to replicate फिर से दोहराना
Other : तह किया हुआ Ex:  China also recognised the value of IITs and planned to replicate the model. दोहराया जाना Ex:  Do not replicate प्रतिवलित Ex:  It wants to have the last word, and elliptically last, says someone who always wants to replicate in a dispute
Replicate ki paribhasha : ek hi patte me lapete hue paan ke do bide tnboli kisi baat ko punaः karana ya kisi kaam ko punaः karana
Usage of Replicate in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb, adjective or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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