Repulsive meaning in hindi
As adjective : अनभाया Ex:  I hate her repulsive looks.
अमधुर Ex:  a repulsive force अमनोज्ञ Ex:  I have never found any one so repulsive as the chronic masturbator. अरुचिकर Ex:  Despite his fear of being perceived as both physically and mentally repulsive उ: इनमें अरुचिकर गंध या स्वाद भी न रहना चाहिए। अरुचिर Ex:  Anthony Blunt has described this decoration as "either fascinating or repulsive उदेजय Ex:  Calculating the attractive or repulsive force between two magnets is उद्दंतुर Ex:  Samogon often has a strong repulsive odor but कनकना Ex:  A dry morality and repulsive खुँखार Ex:  Force repulsive घिनौना Ex:  It also tells of Things and signifies who is vile, repulsive घृणास्पद Ex:  SEC is still used as a prefix to these phrases: Dry Food, Good drink, drink no water; Reply dry dry speak to someone, make him a tough response, abrupt, repulsive घोराकार, घोराकृत्ति Ex:  Ugliness repulsive डरावना Ex:  Ways repulsive त्वेष्य Ex:  Which of the two genres is dirty, repulsive नापसंद Ex:  Who is excessively deformed, hideous and repulsive पुरहौल प्रतिक्षेपक बिकराल बिभीषण बेहावन भीमल भोषक विकर्षण सावमर्द
Other : अपकर्षण Ex:  He disliked him so much that he considered him as a repulsive toad. घृणाकारक Ex:  Physiognomy repulsive घृणोत्पादक Ex:  This object is repulsive भावशून्य लिजलिजा
Repulsive ki paribhasha : ek shaastr ka naama, jisamen aakarshan karane ki vidya ka varnana, hai
ExamplesUsage of Repulsive in sentences
The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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