Require meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Require
As verb : अपेक्षा रखना Ex:  it would require a drastic revision of his opinion
अभिलाषना Ex:  fish require an aqueous medium अभिलाषना Ex:  fish require an aqueous medium आदेश देना Ex:  You require an outlay of $100000 on those machines. इच्छा करना Ex:  These all require special conditions and considerations. उशाना Ex:  Insulin pumps require care and effort to use correctly. एषण Ex:  Fifty trunks would require a hundred pair cable between switches, for example. एष्टि Ex:  Yeast species either require oxygen for aerobic cellular respiration चाहना Ex:  Many sports require special equipment and dedicated playing fields जरूरत होना Ex:  Consultation, which require just consultation of the Parliament मांग करना Ex:  Barbs also require more surface area than tetras of comparable size. रालना Ex:  More specialised parts now require more complex tools रालना Ex:  More specialised parts now require more complex tools वशन Ex:  Competitive levels require the use of more equipment such as clocks हिँछना ‡ Ex:  Not all methods require the use of signals हिँछना ‡ Ex:  Not all methods require the use of signals हिंछना ‡ Ex:  All visitors still require the administrator's written permission. हिंछना ‡ Ex:  All visitors still require the administrator's written permission. हीँछना Ex:  The Roman numerals require extra symbols for larger numbers. हीँछना Ex:  The Roman numerals require extra symbols for larger numbers. हीछना Ex:  Guinea pigs require about 10 mg of vitamin C daily हीछना Ex:  Guinea pigs require about 10 mg of vitamin C daily
As transitive verb : माँगना
Other : अधिकार रूप में मांगना Ex:  fragile items require separation and cushioning अपेक्षा करना Ex:  The tropical diseases require attention and care. अपेक्षित Ex:  Sheep require well ventilated Sheepfold. उ:   अतः उनकी कविता की संक्षिप्त चर्चा करना अपेक्षित है। आवश्यकता में होना Ex:  Their findings will require careful scrutiny. आवश्यकता होना Ex:  Press on this button if you require room service . कमी होना Ex:  It is customary to require that the space be Hausdorff and second countable. जरूरत Ex:  Values above 300 mg/dl usually require treatment and may lead to ketoacidosis उ:   ऐसे में जरूरत है इस लिपि के संरक्षण की। माँग करना Ex:  Plants require some nutrients मांगना Ex:  However, note also that these require a large total amount of energy.
Require ki paribhasha : shabdon dvaara abhipraay prakat karana lene ya paane ki ichchha prakat karana kisi se yah kahana ki tum amuk padaarth mujhe do
Usage of Require in sentences

The word can be used as verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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