Reserve meaning in hindi
As noun : अपत्रपण Ex: There is a reserve fund for the needy.
अलग छोड़ देना Ex: Put a reserve of Rs.2,00000 on a house. आरक्षित करना Ex: Two infantry divisions were held in reserve आरक्षित Ex: Smuts began to cast off some of his shyness and reserve उ: यह एक महत्वपूर्ण बाघ और हाथी आरक्षित है। खिफ्फत Ex: They thus viewed it in terms of their concept of the reserve army of labour. जो वस्तु आगे काम में लाने के लिए रखी जाए Ex: A national park is a reserve of land निरायत्व Ex: VIII Corps was placed in reserve नीलाम मे निर्धारित न्यूनतम मूल्य Ex: South Africa slaughtered 14,562 elephants in the reserve between 1967 and 1994 पत्रपा Ex: This led to a reserve system under the jurisdicion of the Federal Government. प्रतिबंध Ex: There was no untapped reserve of occasional playgoers. उ: सरकार ने सिमी पर दो साल के लिए प्रतिबंध बढ़ा दिया। मानसिक प्रतिबंध Ex: If spirometry reveals poor respiratory reserve मुक्तबंधन Ex: The Sundarbans are noted for a reserve project conserving Bengal tigers. यमन Ex: The euro is perceived to be a major global reserve currency उ: इस शृंखला के ३,००० मीटर से ऊँचे सभी पहाड़ यमन में हैं। रक्षित करना Ex: Church members may also reserve the building for personal or family use रक्षित स्थान Ex: Vasilevsky was assigned to a series of reserve regiments रोकटोक Ex: He put a large sum reserve वचाकर रखना Ex: I reserve my opinion वाध, वाधन Ex: I reserve to tell him my opinion in due time विस्फूर्जित Ex: I took this in my reserve शरण स्थान Ex: It affects, it shows a large reserve सँकोच Ex: It also means Remind reserve classes to complete an army संकोच Ex: It also means To have reserve job, something to do longer or shorter उ: संकोच की भावना कम आत्मविश्वास वाले व्यक्तियों का विशिष्ट गुण है। संचय Ex: It is said of some objects we hold in reserve to replace the necessary, other similar objects; in that he never used with the preposition of उ: संचय बैटरी के पट्ट में भी यह काम आता है। संबर Ex: It must be domestic, reserve something for the late season संस्त्याय Ex: It said, in terms of Printing, a special box in which the characters are placed in reserve सटपट Ex: It stands on the reserve सन्निबर्हण Ex: It uses reserve समुच्छय Ex: Ménager something whatsoever, not use it with reserve सिखला Ex: Place spared some things to hold in reserve सुरक्षित होना Ex: Continued characters engraved or fixed on stone, wood, marble, copper, or to preserve the memory of a person or an event, or to indicate the intended purpose of a building सेना का वह भाग जो जरूरत पड़ने पर तैयार रहे Ex: The online entry reserve produced the event the day स्तिभि Ex: The reserve was called up for military
As verb : आरक्षित रखना Ex: Keep a few good players in reserve . बचा रखना Ex: He always kept a strong reserve as well
Other : अग्रचिंता Ex: two infantry divisions were held in reserve आरक्षित निधि Ex: We are holding Sharon in reserve . आरक्षिति Ex: He also kept tight control of the main reserve कखापन Ex: Norway has the largest capital reserve per capita of any nation. किसी उद्देश्य विशेष के लिये रखना या आरक्षित करना Ex: The reserve is located within city limits of the capital जो वस्तु आगे काम लाने के हेतु रखी जाए Ex: There are reserve forces supporting the regular military. झिझक Ex: By feeding reserve troops to battle पश्चाद्धृत Ex: Most of its upper area is covered by a nature reserve पश्चाद्धृतक Ex: These include 34 reserve biospheres पूर्वरक्षित करना Ex: It is privately owned by The Nature Conservancy and managed as a nature reserve रक्षण करना Ex: As the euro becomes a new reserve currency रखना Ex: Vasilevsky took command of a new reserve battalion उ: मां को अपने बच्चे को स्तनपान कराते समय अच्छी तरह पकड़कर रखना चाहिए। रिजर्व Ex: Half of breakage Imprimerie whose compartments are larger and deeper, which serves as a reserve for different characters उ: यह आपको मदुमलाई रिजर्व तक पहुंचा देगा। रूखापन Ex: He always has money in reserve संग्रह Ex: It is said in the same effect: This property is sold on a reserve price of one million उ: उनके गानों के संग्रह को 'पदावली' कहा जाता है। समय पर काम के लिये रखी हुई सेना Ex: It was very inconsiderate, he uses Now with more reserve सुरक्षित रखना आरक्षिति Ex: Plain and simple, no reserve and unconditionally सुरक्षित रखना Ex: By extension, hunting preserve संचिति Ex: This lawyer is always some argument in reserve
Reserve ki paribhasha : kisi vishesh kaary ke liye nishchit ya rakshit kiya hua antaःkaran ki vah avastha jisamen svabhaavataः athava apane kisi bhadde ya bure aacharan ki bhaavana ke kaaran vasaron ke saamane vrattiyaaan snkuchit ho jaati hain, chepta mnd pad jaati hai, muanh se, shavd nahin nikalata sir nicha ho jaata hai aur saamane taaka nahin jaata jo apane krodh dvesh aadi bhaavon ko man hi men rakkhe aur chupachaap unake anusaar kaary kare kisi vastu par ya kisi vastu ke andar doosari vastu sthit karana ek alnkaar jisamen vikaas alnkaar se viruddh varnan hota hai ya kisi vastu ka atishay snkoch varnan kiya jaata hai ekatr ya sngrah karane ki kriya
ExamplesUsage of Reserve in sentences
The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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