Resist meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Resist
As verb : अप्रभावित रहना Ex:  Fire bricks can resist heat.
इजाला Ex:  Many cats cannot resist a dangling piece of string उत्तंभ Ex:  " Conrad could no longer resist and joined the crusade with many of his nobles का सामना करना Ex:  Although they resist easy characterisation खमवा Ex:  Early supporters of Esperanto tended to resist reforms ठेगनापु Ex:  Plutarch can't resist a good story, light or dark. थमकाना Ex:  In western Ukraine, some Ukrainians continued to resist Soviet rule. निवारण करना Ex:  These forces continued to resist until early March 1943 पर क़ाबू पाना Ex:  C-glass was developed to resist attack from chemicals प्रतिरोध करना Ex:  Protection is the tank's ability to resist being detected प्रतिविघात Ex:  Locals of Aalborg and Aabenraa resist the Å यमन Ex:  We knew that there were strong forces that would resist such aprocess रोकना Ex:  A true philosopher knows resist passions and conquer himself विनिवारण Ex:  DEFEND means Repel an attack, any assault, resist विरोध करना Ex:  Do not resist when God calls us व्य़ुत्थान Ex:  FORCE, speaking of things, means Strength, power to resist संधारण Ex:  He dared to resist it संबरण Ex:  Hold firm, resist courageously, vigorously सहन करना Ex:  I could not resist the power of his words साँकड़ाना Ex:  if he has a relapse, he did not resist
Other : अड‌़ना Ex:  She didnt try to resist his attack.
He was charged with resisting arrest.
आडना Ex:  shopaholics can never resist a bargain आड़ना Ex:  She couldnt resist making jokes about his deformity. टक्कर लेना या न रोक पाना Ex:  He is said to have encouraged its citizens to resist the attacks मुकाबला करना Ex:  A number of authors of the late mediaeval period tried to resist this trend सामना करना Ex:  If what you offer is in the public interest, I no longer resist
Resist ki paribhasha : gati ka avarodh karana
Usage of Resist in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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