Respect meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Respect
As noun : अतर्भावना Ex:  he had little respect for the inspirations of other artists
अदब Ex:  it differs in that respect उ:   हमें माता-पिता से अदब से बात करना चाहिए। अदरु Ex:  That chit doesnt have any respect for old people. अनुरोधन Ex:  If you dont respect your self,how can you expect others to respect you. अन्ववेक्षा Ex:  civilization presupposes respect for the law अभिवंदना Ex:  These two tests differ in only one respect अभिवदन Ex:  All my juniors at the office respect me. अभिस्मरण Ex:  -1.In some respect your article is better than mine. अभ्यर्हण Ex:  A good journalist must have respect for the needs of the reader. अविमान Ex:  you must respect the confidentiality of your clients communications आदर Ex:  I respect you for your honesty. उ:   उनका राज्य में बड़ा आदर था । आदाब Ex:  filial respect आवदन Ex:  We must respect our elders. इज्जत करना Ex:  I really respect George for his courage . इज्ज़त Ex:  At first out of respect for the speaker he declined उ:   जिससे उसके भाई कि इज्ज़त गिर जाये। कुछ अंश तक Ex:  This lack of respect for the past is the crux of the Watchmen". खतिर Ex:  With respect to Mongolia खयालात Ex:  The Dominican Republic is not unique in this respect either. खातिरदार Ex:  Roman Vishniac was known for having great respect for all living creatures. ख्याल रखना Ex:  Because of this recent increase in respect for his accuracy ख्याल Ex:  Former IIT students get greater respect from their peers उ:   ख्याल में भारतीय और फारसी संगीत का मिश्रण है। जोहारी Ex:  It has been mentioned with respect by Hume and by Schopenhauer. धोक Ex:  Although Bhumibol is held in great respect by many Thais ध्यान रखना Ex:  He first gained recognition and respect as a historian ध्यान Ex:  He had little respect for professors उ:   ध्यान - भगवान का ध्यान करें। नमस् Ex:  Charlotte was not even considered, out of respect for the deceased princess. नमस्कार Ex:  The government works to respect the civil and human rights of its citizens उ:   हे ईश्वर, मैं आपको नमस्कार करता हूँ। निमस्कार Ex:  The eclectic pop-rock band Taxi have been gaining international respect परिष्टि Ex:  With respect to the international relations in 2007 पहल Ex:  It does, however, stay constant with respect to other phenomena, notably tides. उ:   यह पहल लोगों को शिक्षित करने के लिए थी। प्रणिघान Ex:  The Odyssey is in this respect perceptibly below the level of the Iliad. बारयाब Ex:  Both Kabila and Bemba assured that they would respect the result भावभक्ति Ex:  With respect to foreign trade, the key economic sector is manufacturing. मनस्कार Ex:  With respect to the range of phenomena being rejected मान्यस्थान Ex:  In this respect music is like fiction संबंध या संदर्भ Ex:  Veteran Marines may be addressed as "Sir" or "Ma'am" out of respect or सनमान० Ex:  about this, respect to what we just talked about समर्हण Ex:  At the price, with respect to समुपचार Ex:  Children can not have too much respect, too much respect for their father समुपवेश Ex:  Crossing the boundaries of respect सम्मान Ex:  Feeling gratitude, esteem, respect उ:   इसीलिए भारत सरकार ने यह सम्मान वापस ले लिया। सादृस Ex:  Forget respect, the respect due someone
As verb : आत्मसम्मान रखना Ex:  The children should respect their elders. उपवाक Ex:  In that respect it resembles another genetic disorder, sickle-cell disease. पसंसना ‡ Ex:  With respect to the fixed stars प्रशंसा करना Ex:  Her Western education earned her a mixture of respect and suspicion. श्लाघन Ex:  If A describes a linear map with respect to two bases संशब्दन Ex:  A son should respect his father सम्मान करना Ex:  Failure to someone Failure to respect, to respect due him
Other : आदर भाव Ex:  he had respect for his rivals आस्था Ex:  Have some respect for your teachers. उ:   यह आस्था के ऊपर निर्भर करता है। इकराम Ex:  You really should pay your boss more respect . इज़्ज़त Ex:  I respect you as a friend and supervisor . उ:   इस प्रकार उनकी इज़्ज़त बरकरार रखी गई। इज्जत Ex:  In this respect it resembles judo randori. उ:   वैसे तो इन परिवारों की इज्जत आज भी गाँव के लोग करते हैं। कान Ex:  "With all due respect to Hollywood उ:   कान और नाक और हाथ आदि काटने की सजा रद्द कीं। के विषय में Ex:  Gawain must respect another set of laws concerning courtly love. प्रिय जानना Ex:  Alp Arslan treated him with respect मान Ex:  Cairo is also in every respect the center of Egypt उ:   इसके धबलता को पालिन जितना ही मान लिया गया है। लगाव रखना Ex:  Because the comet's motion with respect to Jupiter was very small लिहाज़ Ex:  Socialists view it as a failure of economics to respect society. श्रद्घा Ex:  With the anti-smoking movement gaining greater respect and influence सममान Ex:  Apply mouth on the face, lips, on any part of the body of a person by friendship, love, civility, respect by समादर Ex:  Bring honor and respect उ:   उनके वैज्ञानिक कार्यों का समादर राजधानी में ही हो सकता था। सम्बन्ध रखना Ex:  Deep respect सम्बन्ध Ex:  Delivering justice without respect of persons उ:   यह पादपों के सपोटेसी परिवार से सम्बन्ध रखता है। सम्बन्धी Ex:  Failure to respect उ:   इन असुविधाओं में सबसे बड़ी आवागमन सम्बन्धी असुविधा थी।
Respect ki paribhasha : vah bad pradesh jisapar koi shaasan vyavastha ho kisi kaarya, visheshataः aise kaary ka aarnbh jisake pratikaar ya javaab men kuchh kiye jaane ki snbhaavana ho baahm indriyon ke prayog ki bina keval man men laane ki kriya ya bhaav jisaka maan poora ho
Usage of Respect in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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