Restrained meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Restrained
As noun : दिखावा रहित Ex:  Tall and broad, Turgenev's personality was timid, restrained and soft-spoken.
As verb :
औपचारिक Ex:  Technically it is almost restrained उ:   अधिकार औपचारिक एवं अनौपचारिक दोनों होता है। नियंत्रित Ex:  I restrained myself to answer him उ:   उस पर बैठा व्यक्ति उसको नियंत्रित करता है। निरलंकार Ex:  It exulted, his joy betrayed in spite of himself, broke though the restrained विनियत Ex:  very nearly did it carry away, yet he restrained himself संयत Ex:  Who is reserved, restrained in his words and in his actions उ:   वाक्य छोटे-छोटे, संयत और मार्मिक हैं। सद्दी ‡ Ex:  It also means not to be restrained by his rider or conduit, speaking of a horse समुपोढ़ सादा उ:   उनका भोजन, खान-पान एंव रहन-सहन, सादा एंव शुद्ध होता है। सावग्रह सूपगंधि
Other : अवरुद्ध Ex:  She forcibly restrained herself from joining the group.
The intruders were forcibly evicted from the border areas.
उ:   इससे पहले के लंबन माप उपकरणों की गुणवत्ता के द्वारा अवरुद्ध हो गए थे।
अवरोधित Ex:  Your movements are restrained during curfew hours. उ:   मैड हैटर अपनी कविता पाठ में अवरोधित होता है।
Restrained ki paribhasha : jisaki banaavat aadi bahut snkshipt ho jo keval kahane sunane ke liye ho jisaki kriya sarvatha svachchhnd na ho jisame indriyon aur man ko vash men kiya ho
Usage of Restrained in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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