Restraint meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Restraint
As noun : अटाना Ex:  to fret under restraint by dinesh.
अवरोध Ex:  He urged restraint upon them . खुँट Ex:  The Vatican showed restraint towards the highly organized Centre Party. ठठैरी Ex:  Do not keep it, put no restraint in his conduct तकवा Ex:  Excessive restraint of mind, excessive restraint can impair health निरूपलेप Ex:  It says especially figuratively and signifies transitively say without restraint all the insults that come to the mouth प्रतिबंध Ex:  It takes a special meaning for ceremonial and embarrassing Way to testify his ways, his politeness, his circumspection, his restraint उ:   इसने कभी राज्यव्यापी प्रतिबंध लागू नहीं किया। प्रतिवंधकता Ex:  It works in this book, he applies it with great restraint of mind, with great restraint प्रत्यवरोध, प्रत्यवरोधन Ex:  Making his restraint मुक्तबंधन Ex:  RESERVE means, figuratively, Stealth, caution, restraint यमन Ex:  Reserve restraint in actions and in words उ:   यह यमन का सबसे बड़ा शहर है। रोक Ex:  This child restraint is उ:   इन पंक्तियों के कारण उनका कविता पाठ रोक दिया गया। रोकटोक Ex:  To break the head means, figuratively and familiarly, Apply to something with great restraint of mind वाध, वाधन Ex:  We are in a period of restraint वाध, वाधन Ex:  We are in a period of restraint वाधा Ex:  You have to have restraint विवंधन Ex:  , Bander his mind, have the spirit bandaged S apply, be applied to something with great restraint of mind विहनन Ex:  , put his mind to torture to be torture, Working with great restraint of mind to research, review, discussion of something वेगरोध Ex:  , Running at full gallop to ruin, to destruction, Indulge in the pleasures without restraint संबर Ex:  , Unbridled language, a language without restraint संबर Ex:  , Unbridled language, a language without restraint संयम उ:   यम, नियम, संयम का उसे पूर्ण पालन करना चाहिए। सन्निबर्हण सयाम सार्गड, सार्गल सिखला सिखला सीमांकन उ:   संशोधन कार्य नियत अवधि में समाप्त करने हेतु सीमांकन जरूरी है। स्तंभकारण स्तिभि स्तिभि
Other : आवर्जन Ex:  However, no such restraint is observed while criticizing the government. निग्रह Ex:  He Forgot restraint नियंत्रण Ex:  It also says a Kind discretion, restraint or delicacy that keeps saying, hear or do certain things without embarrassment उ:   ज़िला नियंत्रण रेखा से सटा हुआ है। नियन्त्रण Ex:  It is also used in a bad sense and simplicity means Excess or fault restraint in expressing feelings that have an interest in hiding उ:   राजा को अपने इन्द्रियों पर नियन्त्रण रखना चाहिए। निरोध Ex:  It still means too much freedom, contrary to the respect, restraint and modesty उ:   प्रत्येक अवस्था में कुछ न कुछ मानसिक वृत्तियों का निरोध होता है। प्रतिब‌ंध Ex:  It takes advantage of your moderation, your restraint and imagine you the fear
Restraint ki paribhasha : sarakaar dbaara kisi vastu ke moolya, samaan vitaran aadi par lagaaya jaanevaala pratibndh .... nigrahasthaan aisi sthiti jisase chal ya badh na sake haanikaarak ya buri vastuon se bachane ki kriya
Usage of Restraint in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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