Retreat meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Retreat
As noun : अथवनापु Ex:  the religious retreat is a form of vacation activity
अपावर्त्तन Ex:  Sound the retreat on a bugle. अपावर्त्तन Ex:  Sound the retreat on a bugle. आश्रयस्थल Ex:  The retreat left gravel, sand, clay, and boulder deposits. उ:   और अपने लिए पत्थरों या चट्टानों का एक आश्रयस्थल बना लेते हैं। इनहिदाम Ex:  As soon as Igelström's retreat was discovered इस्कात Ex:  Libya's prompt retreat took many observers by surprise. उच्छटना Ex:  Conrad began a slow retreat back to Constantinople एकान्त वास Ex:  When she ordered a retreat कम होना Ex:  Nicias seemed to agree to a retreat until a bad omen खिरना Ex:  The retreat of mountain glaciers गिरना Ex:  Glacier retreat results in the loss of the low-elevation region of the glacier. चला जाना Ex:  The rate of retreat for this glacier has increased since 1980 च्योल Ex:  Losers usually retreat ढिँगलाना Ex:  Although the Israelis succeeded in forcing the Egyptians to retreat निर्णय बदलना Ex:  This commenced a full-scale retreat by Wehrmacht troops from the area. प्रद्रव Ex:  The Polish 1st Army was defeated and forced to retreat प्रद्राव Ex:  By June 10, Polish armies were in retreat along the entire front. प्रभंश Ex:  Following a French retreat from much of the country प्रस्रंस Ex:  A 2001 report by the IPCC suggests that glacier retreat बागना ‡ Ex:  Both Western and Muslim histories agree that while trying to stop the retreat भगाई ‡ Ex:  The Mahdi then began a strategic retreat to Kordofan भग्नना Ex:  After an initial strategic retreat भागना Ex:  Mogami fell behind in the retreat and was sunk by aircraft the next morning. भ्रंश, भ्रंस Ex:  A retreat रक्तस्त्राव Ex:  A shameful retreat रुरना Ex:  Follow retirement, Attend, participate in all exercises of a retreat लुड़ना Ex:  He was committed too far in this case, he was forced to make a retreat वक्रम Ex:  I am determined to live now in retreat वक्रय Ex:  If retreat to a position वापसी का संकेत Ex:  It has built a small retreat वापसी Ex:  It is a retreat to the Mission उ:   वहीं से १७३६ में वे वापसी यात्रा पर चल पड़ीं। विद्रुति Ex:  It says in the true sense of Women, where, for vanity, they advance and retreat throat a little behind the head विनिहसृति Ex:  It says, speaking figuratively Affairs who make no progress, that advance nor retreat विप्रयाण Ex:  Our troops have not stopped harassing the enemy in its retreat वैमुख्य Ex:  Preaching a retreat said instructions say that a preacher during a retirement स्खल Ex:  The enemies are in full retreat
As verb : कीमत कम होना Ex:  Glacial retreat slowed and even reversed चले जाना Ex:  Since 1960 the average retreat of Blomstrandbreen has been about 35 m a year पीछे हटना Ex:  Accompanying his retreat were some two million refugees from mainland China प्रच्चय Ex:  After the KMT retreat to Taiwan प्रतिनिवर्तन Ex:  Armies would often retreat or even surrender if this was accomplished. प्रतिप्रयाण Ex:  Glacier retreat has increased since the 1980s प्रत्यागति Ex:  By the beginning of August, the Polish retreat had become more organized. बावड़ना Ex:  Oppenheimer started to retreat to a simpler life. वापस होना Ex:  It became in the countryside a retreat for his old age व्याघुटन Ex:  Sketch out an attack, a retreat
Other : आश्रय Ex:  Smuts organised the successful retreat from Pretoria. उ:   उसने उदार, दानशील, असहायी तथा अनाथों को अपना आश्रय दिया। एकान्त स्थान Ex:  Demosthenes argued for a retreat to Athens but Nicias at first refused. निर्वतन Ex:  In his own words, "I got knocked down shortly after the enemy began to retreat निवर्तन करना Ex:  But although the Russian retreat allowed the French to capture Moscow निवर्तन Ex:  After the retreat of the coalition पीछे झुका हुआ Ex:  After the retreat to Taiwan पीछे हटना या हटाना Ex:  Indeed, the core Zulu had to retreat before several Ndwandwe incursions पीछे हटाव Ex:  They were placed under Kaohsiung City after the retreat to Taiwan. युद्ध से सेना हटा लेने का संकेत Ex:  A retreat ten days शरण लेना Ex:  Some proposal you him do, he is a man not to retreat
Retreat ki paribhasha : pichhe hataana ya lautaana kisi di hui vastu ko phir lene ya li hui vastu ko phir dene ka kaam ya bhaav aadhaar ya avarodh ke abhaav ke kaaran kisi chij ka ekadam oopar se niche aa jaana kisi sthaan se hatane ke liye daudkar nikal jaana
Usage of Retreat in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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