Revenue meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Revenue
As noun : उवारी Ex:  Sweden has the second highest total tax revenue behind Denmark
कर Ex:  It generates over 65% of the total national revenue उ:   पाश्चरने तरह-तरह के सहस्रों प्रयोग कर डाले। कस्टम ड्यूटी Ex:  Tourism has long been a vital source of the island's revenue क्रन Ex:  Significant sources of revenue include duty-free designer shopping outlets टिकस Ex:  The first revenue train passed through the tunnel in 1988. At 14.7 km टिक्कस Ex:  Most of the cars are still in revenue service on VIA Rail Canada राजस्व Ex:  This issue dominates the future revenue of rural counties उ:   उनके पिता राजस्व विभाग में काम करते थे। हैंड Ex:  As oil production and revenue rose
Other : आगम कर Ex:  Music in Indian cinema is a substantial revenue generator आगम Ex:  In exchange for tax revenue उ:   आगम शब्द का उपयोग जैन दर्शन में साहित्य के लिए किया जाता है। आमद Ex:  If Aubrey understood ratings and revenue आमदनी Ex:  In order to protect the important source of revenue उ:   उनकी आमदनी भी कई गुनी बढ़ गयी। आय Ex:  Rome's revenue was the amount of the successful bids उ:   आय छिंग वर्तमान युग के लोकप्रिय कवि माने जाते हैं। उगाहना Ex:  Additional revenue paid for Gulf War reparations through a Compensation Fund उगाही Ex:  As of 2007, the company has an annual revenue of over U.S. $35 billion. महसूल Ex:  Most of Google's revenue is derived from advertising programs. मालगुजारी Ex:  Sales tax provides 39% of Commonwealth's revenue मुनाफा Ex:  The primary source of revenue for the State government is sales tax उ:   उत्पादन का लक्ष्य मुनाफा ने होकर सम्पूर्ण समाज का हित होना चाहिए। राजस्व न्यायालय Ex:  As a result of the revenue they brought राजस्व शुल्क Ex:  Oregon is one of six states with a revenue limit. वार्षिक आय Ex:  Rome’s declining revenue left it dangerously dependent on tax revenue. संप्राप्‍ति Ex:  Indulgences came to be an important source of revenue for the Church सालाना महसूली Ex:  Cigarettes are a significant source of tax revenue in many localities.
Revenue ki paribhasha : kisi vyaapaar aadi men praapt vah dhan jo mool dhane ke aatirikt hota hai .... vyaapaar ki vastu jo aur deshon se apane desh men aave pooraani hindi ke aasana ya aahana hona kriya ka vartamaanakalik rup vah dhan jo raaja ya koi adhikaari kisi vishisht kaary ke liye le bhoomi aadi ka vah kar jo raaja ko diya jaay
Usage of Revenue in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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