Reverent meaning in hindi
As adjective : भक्तियुक्त Ex:  It is becoming daily more reverent उ: ’ उस बनिया की भक्तियुक्त वाणी सुनकर भगवान जनार्दन संतुष्ट हो गये।
Other : नम्र Ex:  She has got a reverent voice. श्रद्घालु Ex:  This is a very reverent man श्रद्धालु उ: महिला श्रद्धालु बहुत कम होती हैं। सम्मान सूचक
Reverent ki paribhasha : stri jisake man men, garbhaavastha ki anek prakaar ki abhilaashaaean hon jisasamen uttam shiksha ka snskaar aur shishtata ho
ExamplesUsage of Reverent in sentences
The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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