Ribald meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Ribald
As noun : अश्लील Ex:  Author ribald
उशत् Ex:  By extension, ribald tale कुफारी Ex:  He says he especially ribald allusions to घासलेटो Ex:  ribald song फुहस Ex:  ribald song फूहड़ व्यक्ति Ex:  Who is ribald and holds libertinism
Ribald ki paribhasha : phalit jyotish men vah sthaan jo kisi grah ke uchch sthaan se saatavaaan ho jo kisi kaary ko suchaarou roop se na kar sake saahityashaastr ke anusaar kaavyaadi men aise shavdon ka prayog jinase brida, jugupsa aur amngal ki abhi- vyakti hoti ho
Usage of Ribald in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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