Rifle meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Rifle
As noun : एक प्रकार की बन्दूक Ex:  Xie grabbed a rifle and shot
तलाशी लेना Ex:  Maradona even fired a compressed-air rifle against reporters who राइफ़ल Ex:  30-06 rifle cartridges in use by the military at the time. लूट लेना Ex:  Three rifle divisions were raised in Alma-Ata
As verb : छिड़ाना Ex:  50 BMG rifle is only . छीन लेना Ex:  Of these only one "trace" related to claimed actual use of a rifle दस्तबुर्द Ex:  In modern terms this means the caliber of the rifle was 17.5 mm.
Other : खटका Ex:  He grabbed the first Japanese soldier's rifle खाली करना Ex:  22 Long rifle uses a straight walled case. खुटका Ex:  Even though Norway had adopted the repeating Jarmann rifle in 1884 नाली बनाना Ex:  The M1 rifle is a gas-operated, semi-automatic, clip-fed rifle. राइफल Ex:  Ruger produced the Mini-14 rifle उ:   यह भारतीय सेना का सबसे पुराना राइफल रेजिमेण्ट है।
Rifle ki paribhasha : bhay dikhaakara, maar patikar ya chhin jhapatakar le lena
Usage of Rifle in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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