Ripen meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Ripen
As verb : काढना Ex:  Irradiated fruits ripen faster.
निष्टपन Ex:  Coming to maturity ripen पकना Ex:  Fruits ripen on straw पकाना Ex:  It is a spirit that will ripen with time उ:   खौलते पानी में सब्जियाँ डालकर पकाना अधिक अच्छा है। सिंकना, सिँकना
Other : घुलना Ex:  While these bananas will ripen more slowly तैयार करना Ex:  This causes berries to ripen more rapidly and bushes to produce higher yields पूरा होना Ex:  It says itself of Fruits that ripen before ordinary time पूर्ण विकास Ex:  The fruits rot when keeping them too long, there has been so much rain that the grapes rotting on the vine instead of ripen प्रौढ करना Ex:  The grapes ripen in autumn प्रौढ़ करना Ex:  This man never ripen विकसित करना
Ripen ki paribhasha : pakvaavastha ko pahuanch jaana
Usage of Ripen in sentences

The word can be used as verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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