Rising meaning in hindi
As noun : अंतर्विद्रोह Ex: a rising tide of popular interest
आज्ञाप्रतिघात Ex: The industrial output in India has been rising every year. आने वाला Ex: My voice rose in anger.
The wind is rising it shows a strom is coming. आरोही Ex: Their conversation centered around the rising prices. उ: इन दोनों आरोही या अवरोही चक्रों में प्रत्येक को एक दैव युग कहते हैं । उत्पिंज Ex: Although the people were enthusiastic for a general rising उत्प्रवण Ex: Relatively cool summers have temperatures rarely rising above 80 °F . उदीयमान Ex: In the face of rising discontent and violence उ: विष्णु उदीयमान मानव चेतना के प्रतीक हैं। उभरता हुआ Ex: Cincinnati Colerain is rising to be a dynasty in its own right चढ़ावदार Ex: "brother rising against brother" परिवर्धमान Ex: Ethnic tensions have been rising in recent months. बढ़ता हुआ Ex: The weeks leading up to the verdicts saw rising political tensions. राष्ट्रविप्लव Ex: A volcanic peak rising from just west of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge वदर्धमान, वर्धमान Ex: After rising during the 1990s विद्रोह Ex: The album established Dion as a rising singer in the United States उ: इस समय एक और विद्रोह भी हुआ था। सीनाजोरी Ex: Scott also suffered from the rising star of Jane Austen.
The wind is rising it shows a strom is coming. आरोही Ex: Their conversation centered around the rising prices. उ: इन दोनों आरोही या अवरोही चक्रों में प्रत्येक को एक दैव युग कहते हैं । उत्पिंज Ex: Although the people were enthusiastic for a general rising उत्प्रवण Ex: Relatively cool summers have temperatures rarely rising above 80 °F . उदीयमान Ex: In the face of rising discontent and violence उ: विष्णु उदीयमान मानव चेतना के प्रतीक हैं। उभरता हुआ Ex: Cincinnati Colerain is rising to be a dynasty in its own right चढ़ावदार Ex: "brother rising against brother" परिवर्धमान Ex: Ethnic tensions have been rising in recent months. बढ़ता हुआ Ex: The weeks leading up to the verdicts saw rising political tensions. राष्ट्रविप्लव Ex: A volcanic peak rising from just west of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge वदर्धमान, वर्धमान Ex: After rising during the 1990s विद्रोह Ex: The album established Dion as a rising singer in the United States उ: इस समय एक और विद्रोह भी हुआ था। सीनाजोरी Ex: Scott also suffered from the rising star of Jane Austen.
As adjective : अदर्धुक Ex: Population is rising in India. उठता Ex: I named her for the beauty of the rising sun . उ: अगले दिन, इलियट मैदान में उठता है, ई.टी. गया हुआ। उन्नतिशील Ex: Sugar was the primary export from the 1640s on but rising production costs उ: विश्वविद्यालय क्षेत्र की शिक्षा में अफ्रीका भी उन्नतिशील है। वृद्धिमान् Ex: It is the value for PK rising above that for PNa
Other : अभ्युत्थान Ex: Japan is a rising country. आरोहण Ex: Japan is famously known as the land of the rising sun. उ: इसके लिए दूरदर्शी का विशेष ढंग से आरोहण करना पड़ता है। उगता हुआ Ex: sun rising time is really very supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. उठना Ex: The water is rising up fast . उत्थान Ex: With seawater temperatures rising above sustainable levels for oceanic life उ: उत्थान के बाद पतन और पतन के बाद उत्थान संसार का नियम है। उदय होता हुआ Ex: The only important rising was that of Henri उदय Ex: Mining is a rising industry. उ: भारत में इसका उदय १७वी शताब्धि में हुआ। उदयी Ex: It extends for a distance of with many of its peaks rising above . उदयीमान Ex: Once the rising had collapsed, Elizabeth was brought to court and interrogated. उद्गम Ex: With the economy sliding toward depression and unemployment rapidly rising उ: यह कांस्ययुगीन सभ्यता का उद्गम स्थल माना जाता है। उद्रोह Ex: Not only is the rising sea a problem उभार Ex: This is largely due to rising taxes and land prices ऊपर उठने वाला Ex: This small battle prompted a general rising among the whole Ngqika tribe. चढ़ाई Ex: With a rising and aging population फोड़ा Ex: From March, with temperatures rising it feels like summer in late May. बढने वाला Ex: Incomes have been rising rapidly as well as service charges . बर्खास्तगी Ex: Along with rising methane levels उ: समय समाप्त , बिना डिलीवरी के होने वाली बर्खास्तगी है। बढ़ने वाला Ex: Others prominent rising stars include Brendan Christian वर्द्धमान Ex: Fleeing the rising antisemitism of St. उ: वर्द्धमान महावीर का जन्म इसी गणराज्य में हुआ था। विद्रोह या उत्थान Ex: It is made of three rectangular galleries rising to a central tower विसर्जन Ex: With rising oil prices and war उ: शोभा यात्रा रूट और विसर्जन स्थल पर पूरी नजर रखी जाती है।
Rising ki paribhasha : kisi ko yah kahakar bhejana ki tum jaakar amuk kaary karo gati ki praanrabhik avastha nichi sthiti se aur ooanchi sthiti men hona kisi ke prati honavaala vah dvesh ya aacharan jisase usako haani pahuanche sngit shaastraanusaar vah svar jo padj se lekar nishaad tak uttarottar chadhata jaay
ExamplesUsage of Rising in sentences
The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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