Risky meaning in hindi
As adjective : जोखिम भरा Ex:  This risky but fruitful research work was done with human volunteers
Other :
खतरनाक. Ex:  That's a very risky investment . खतरनाक Ex:  Generally speaking, rushing plays are less risky than passing plays. उ: वैसे ये जानवर खतरनाक हो सकते है। ख़तरनाक Ex:  Holding a referendum was a highly risky gamble for Schuschnigg उ: इसका अर्थ है बहुत आक्रामक तरीक़े से ख़तरनाक लहरबाज़ी करना। ख़तरनाक Ex:  An air raid was considered too risky जोखिम का Ex:  Quantified utility models simplify the analysis of risky decisions because विपत्ति पूर्ण Ex:  A risky विपदसंकुल Ex:  A risky author
ExamplesUsage of Risky in sentences
The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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