Rivalry meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Rivalry
As noun : एतदाल Ex:  A bitter rivalry has grown up between the two families.
कंपींटीशन Ex:  Beyond a healthy professional rivalry तमसील Ex:  In rivalry with imported Italian opera productions प्रतिद्वंद्विता Ex:  For a significant part of their rivalry उ:   वहां स्थानीय प्रतिद्वंद्विता भी थी। बगनी ‡ Ex:  Franco-German rivalry reasserted itself again in World War I बराबरी Ex:  Playing off of the intense interest in their perceived rivalry उ:   वह बराबरी के स्तर पर उनसे बातचीत कर सकता था। मानकलह Ex:  This rivalry came to be known as The Great Game विभ्रातृव्य Ex:  The rivalry intensified after the 1989 San Marino Grand Prix समकक्षा Ex:  The rivalry then reached its peak at the end of 1989 सरबर Ex:  The rivalry often degenerated into civil war सरबरी Ex:  Their rivalry with the Cardinals सरवरि ‡ Ex:  The Bears' rivalry with the Green Bay Packers is one of the oldest सरिवर, सरिवरि Ex:  The Cold War period was marked by rivalry between two superpowers स्पर्द्धा, स्पर्धा Ex:  On Earth, there is an on-going rivalry between two factions. हमचश्मी Ex:  It is figuratively called the Ensemble, which could be shown in a summary table, political parties or states and their interests in struggle or rivalry हमसरी Ex:  Sometimes in front of the relative who used to train elliptical phrases that express a rivalry Sort, competition
Other : चोट Ex:  The men's ice hockey team has a historic rivalry with Boston University उ:   तभी एक लड़की गिर जाती है और उसे चोट लग जाती है। प्रतियोगिता Ex:  The best-known rivalry is the one between Boca Juniors and River Plate उ:   प्रतियोगिता के स्थान पर सहयोग होना चाहिए। प्रतिस्पर्धा Ex:  Due to the Sino-Soviet rivalry उ:   अमेरिका और सोवियत संघ में पारस्परिक प्रतिस्पर्धा शुरू हो गई। मुकाबला Ex:  There was apparently some rivalry between the two columns उ:   अगले मैच में टीम का मुकाबला इटली से हुआ। स्पर्धा Ex:  In emulation, rivalry with उ:   इसने सोवियत संघ और अमेरिका में अंतरिक्ष स्पर्धा की शुरुआत की।
Rivalry ki paribhasha : samaan bal ya budidhavaale vyakti ka virodh
Usage of Rivalry in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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