Rob meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Rob
As verb :
आलुंठन Ex:  Action to rob आलुंठन Ex:  Action to rob चूरा लना Ex:  By extension, it means, speaking of men, enslave, rob independence छिँड़ाना Ex:  Reading, rob her mail छिड़ाना Ex:  rob passers, travelers छीन लेना Ex:  rob the old man, put off the old man means in terms of scripture, Dispose of inclinations of corrupt nature छीनना Ex:  See rob डाका डालना Ex:  See rob दस्तबुर्द नोचखसोट लुंठना लूट लेना लूटना विलुंठन विलुंठन सल्ब स्वीकारग्रह
Rob ki paribhasha : kisi vastu ki usake svaami ke paroksh ya anajaan men le lena vah aakraman jo dhan haran karane ke liye sahasa kiya jaata hai kisi doosare ki vastu jabaradasti le lena bhay dikhaakara, maar patikar ya chhin jhapatakar le lena
Usage of Rob in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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