Robe meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Robe
As noun : अंगवस्त्र Ex:  She got up and f lung on her robe .
जामा Ex:  Shinto priests often wear a ceremonial robe called a jo-e. उ:   जामा का युद्ध इसका अंतिम और निर्णायक युद्ध था। ड्रेस Ex:  Clothed in a special robe परिच्छंद Ex:  It also said a royal robe Officer who administered justice in the scope of a spring whose names ressortissaient immediately to parliament परिहण ‡ Ex:  robe adorned with a wheel edged पुसाक Ex:  robe Officer, that was the function of provost marshals and judged the case prévôtaux पोशाक Ex:  robe Officer, that was the function of provost marshals and judged the case prévôtaux उ:   भूरे रंग की पोशाक पहने सैनिकों की टुकड़ी तैयार की गई। पोसाख Ex:  train-bearer, who, in a ceremony, is responsible for carrying the tail Royal coat, and the robe of a great man, a great lady पौसाक Ex:  violet robe बाथरोब Ex:  who would have thought that a man of his robe would do such action? I wear her dress to respect भरनिपु Ex:  , in terms of Devotion, The robe of innocence, The State innocence रख्त Ex:  A flowing robe लबाचा लबादा सभावस्त्र पहन् अना सिचय
Robe ki paribhasha : vah lava dhola pahanaava jo aangarakhe aadi ke oopar se pahan liya jaata hai aur jisaka saamana praayaः khula hota hai
Usage of Robe in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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