Rotational meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Rotational
As noun : चक्रीय Ex:  To govern its anchor, says when a ship is at anchor in a river, the action of the current print her rotational movements उ:   इन्हें चक्रीय फ़ॉस्फ़ेट भी कहा जाता है।
Other :
घूर्णनात्‍मक Ex:  The rotational periods of extrasolar planets are not known घूर्णनी Ex:  The rotational period of the interior of Uranus is 17 hours, 14 minutes. घूर्णी Ex:  A rotational movement उ:   घूर्णी आदेश. वर्तमान में की अध्यक्षता में नौसेना के एक अधिकारी है। चक्कर का Ex:  Both rotational passed an act भ्रमण का Ex:  Toy pear-shaped, we turned on the point in giving it a rotational movement through a strongly held string or spring
Usage of Rotational in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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