Roughness meaning in hindi
As noun : अकखड़पन Ex:  men associate the roughness of nonstandard working-class speech with masculinity
अपरिष्कृतता Ex:  skin with a tangible roughness अशांति Ex:  Despite these and other rules regarding unnecessary roughness उ: उस समय आरियस के मत के कारण ईसाई संसार में अशांति फैलने लगी थी। असभ्य व्यवहार Ex:  By analogy, Equality of land, with a surface, said, speaking of a Land, a flat and smooth, without roughness असभ्यता Ex:  He said specifically speaking of the temperature and mean hardness, roughness असमतलता Ex:  It also means Who is equal, without roughness उजड़्ड़पन Ex:  It is used figuratively in the moral sense to designate the rigors, the roughness of character उद् ध्वंस Ex:  Ray, the name given to skate species whose skin is dotted with similar roughness to कटुकता Ex:  Sort of leprosy which covers skin roughness similar to those of the skin of the elephant कर्कशता Ex:  the roughness of a field खुरदरापन Ex:  The roughness of the ground, a stone, an oyster shell परुखाई Ex:  The roughness of the roads makes communication difficult in that country बदअमली Ex:  , The roughness of character बेहुदगी व्याक्षोभ हूदापन
Other : बेअदबी Ex:  Des two kinds Who offers no roughness मोटा उ: खोल मोटा होने पर ड्रम से जोर का आवाज़ उत्पन्न होती है। रुखाई रूक्षता रूखा स्थूलता
ExamplesUsage of Roughness in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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