Roundabout meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Roundabout
As noun : कमाचीदार Ex:  The figurative meaning of a word, a phrase, a sentence , The use of a word, a phrase, a sentence in a roundabout own meaning of direction
गरेरुआ Ex:  This information reached him in a roundabout way गोलमोल Ex:  This word is set, is used here in a roundabout sense उ:   किंतु महान प्रतिभा एक बड़ा गोलमोल शब्द है। घुमावदार चक्रदोला चक्रिल परिपथ पुरपेंच पेचीदा मुश्किल मोरदार यातायात परिपथ संकीन
Other : के आसपास Ex:  The roundabout of the Champs-Elysees in Paris चक्करदार फेरदार
Roundabout ki paribhasha : jese, vahaaan aap logon ke liye bahut vistrat sthaan hai jo parimaan men alp ya nyoon na ho
Usage of Roundabout in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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