Roundel meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Roundel
As noun : गोलाकार फलक Ex:  The roundel has been used for buses and the tube for many years
Other :
गोलाकार फलक या चित्र Ex:  The origins of the roundel गोलाकार Ex:  The roundel has to some extent become a symbol for London itself. उ:   अन्य दो गोलाकार प्रोटीन और झिल्ली प्रोटीन हैं। चक्रिल पाददीप Ex:  The Spanish red roundel is छोटा गोल धातु का टुकडा वृत्त उ:   अब हमें एक वृत्त को घुमाना है।
Roundel ki paribhasha : vedon aur shaastron ke anukul aachaar rakhana haaki, phutabaal aadi khelon men vah sthaan jahaaan gend pahuancha dene se virodhi paksh ki jit ho jaati hai
Usage of Roundel in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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