Rout meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Rout
As noun : उपद्रवी भीड़ Ex:  Go to rout
खँदना Ex:  In terms of war, overthrow a body of troops means Undo, to rout खदेड़ द्ना Ex:  It means figuratively Sap, killed in a melee in a rout खोदना Ex:  It only rout घोर पराजय Ex:  The slaughter was great in the rout जमघट Ex:  Who rout disconcerting उ:   इस मेले में दूर -दूर से आये भक्तों का जमघट रहता है। ज़बर्दस्त हार Ex:  This accident put the rout in its affairs झूलर थूथनी से खोदना निकाल बाहर करना बुरी तरह से हराना भगदड़ विखनन संजोवा
Rout ki paribhasha : kisi ko bhaagane men pravratt karana vah sthaan jahaaan bahut se log milakar baithe hon khndon ya kanon ko giraakar idhar udhar phailaana kisi sthaan ko gahara karane ke liy vahaaan ki mitti aadi ukhaadkar phekana
Usage of Rout in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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