Routine meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Routine
As noun : अकालमूर्ति Ex:  any variation in his routine was immediately reported
अगण्य Ex:  I recieved the routine letter from him and pocketed it without reading. अतिसर्ग Ex:  I applied my attention prosaically to my routine अनंतग Ex:  Please try to adapt to our routine . अनंतवान Ex:  Sports is a daily routine for employees in Afghanistan अपरिवर्त्तनीय Ex:  The term "service" in this context generally refers to a callable routine अप्राख्य Ex:  This led to an inability to meet the routine demands of industry and consumers अरअ Ex:  Surprisingly, a routine army test revealed that Bradman had poor eyesight. आर्डिनरी Ex:  The Capitol Police handles routine police work एकविध Ex:  In many countries, amateur licensing is a routine civil administrative matter. कल्पातीत Ex:  Gas alert procedure became a routine for the front-line soldier. गतरस Ex:  The aviation industry is able to perform most routine aircraft maintenance चंचुप्रवेश Ex:  This part of the book focuses on the daily routine of military life aboard ship जेनरल Ex:  As these appointments were routine in nature टकैया Ex:  It is now routine to travel between Paris दवाम Ex:  Metrano performed this well-known routine on programs such as The Tonight Show दिनचर्या Ex:  He never studied this art in depth, but it has acquired a sort of routine उ:   इस के बाद एक अंतिम दिनचर्या है जो वैकल्पिक है। नित्त Ex:  It also means the Air where we danced a routine नित्य का नियम Ex:  It does this by routine नित्य Ex:  It means, figuratively, habit, routine to which one can not give up easily, and followed opinion adopted without examination उ:   जैसे-यहाँ, किन्तु, नित्य और, हे अरे आदि। नित्यार Ex:  The one, the one that is routinely, which conforms to the routine निसघोस Ex:  The rut of routine निसीठी Ex:  This doctor is an old routine नीरस Ex:  Working out of routine पंचमेल पाइंदा पायंदा प्रकृत्थजीर्ण प्रायभव प्रायापयोगिक फीकरिया बालजातीय बेलकत रोजमर्रा उ:   उनके वीडियो ज्यादातर रोजमर्रा की जीवन शैली के ऊपर बनाए गए हैं। लोकसिद्ध वजीहा विरलभक्ति वोछा सधे हुए पग साठनाठ साधारण देश साधारण उ:   सर्दियों में साधारण सर्दी पङती है। सामान्य उ:   सामान्य से सामान्य बात का भी उसको ज्ञान नहीं है। सामान्यत्व सास्वत
Other : चर्या Ex:  It includes routine analysis of G-Banded chromosomes दस्तूर Ex:  be a slave to routine दस्तूरी Ex:  familiar Word which is used to express the Little slow pace and routine things in a case in a household, in an administration etc नित् Ex:  He said, figuratively and contempt of him that runs roughly routine and a structure नित्य का Ex:  It is very routine नित्यक्रम Ex:  routine Habits नेम Ex:  Esprit routine उ:   इस ग्रुप के साथ कई ब्रांड नेम जुड़े हुए हैं। नैत्यक नैत्यिक
Routine ki paribhasha : do pakshon men honevaala vah jhagad jisaka phaisala adaalat se ho nity honevaala ya nity kiya jaanevaala paarasiyon ka purohit jo unake dharmagrnth ke anusaar karmakaand karaata hai bhaav prakaash ke anusaar vah pradesh jahaaan jngal adhik hon, paani adhik ho, rog adhik hon aur jaad tatha garami bhi adhik padti ho jisamen koi svaad ya maja na ho vah ek baat ya gun jo kisi jaati ya varg ki sab chijon men samaan roop se paaya jaay
Usage of Routine in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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