Rubber meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Rubber
As noun : कांडाम Ex:  The natural rubber is very pliant.
घर्षण प्रस्तर Ex:  vulcanize rubber जिज्ञासु व्यक्ति Ex:  Dunlop's rubber works in Chorlton-on-Medlock made barrage balloons जूते की बरसाती Ex:  The suspension reverted from Hydrolastic to rubber as a cost-saving measure. ताश का एक खेल Ex:  Numerous small rubber puppets मार्जनी Ex:  Liquid ammonia can also attack rubber and certain plastics. रंगमार Ex:  Limited rubber supplies led to the adoption of steel-rimmed road wheels रगड़ से चलनेवाला मशीन का पुर्जा Ex:  Coat rubber रबड़ की टायर Ex:  It also means rubber Garnish रबड़ Ex:  It said, as noun, a fabric containing rubber or son of the son themselves उ:   रबड़ उष्ण कटिबन्धीय पौधा हैं। रबड़अ Ex:  Small unit of a glass tube consisting topped with a rubber bulb, and is used to count the drops of some liquid medicines रबर Ex:  Suspenders, rubber garters उ:   रबर का आदिमस्थान अमरीका है। रेती Ex:  Many polymers that we use in daily life such as rubber उ:   एक स्पिट या संकरी रेती, रेती का एक प्रकार है।
Other : तीन बाजी का खेल Ex:  But Borg never lost another Davis Cup singles rubber नरम ईंट Ex:  Leopold's rubber gatherers were tortured प्रस्तर घर्षक Ex:  They came to be used to make up for shortfalls in rubber quotas, to replace. मलने वाला Ex:  Many polymers that we use in daily life such as rubber रगडने वाला Ex:  A copper stamp, rubber रगड़ने वाला Ex:  Gum resin Suc plant mainly composed of rubber and resin, part of which dissolves in water and the other in the mind of wine
Rubber ki paribhasha : sngit men madhyam svar ki chaar shrutiyon men se antim shruti nadi ya samudr ke kinaaren padi hui balui jamin ek prasiddh lachila padaarth jisaka vyavahaar gend photaa, patti, belan aadi bahut se padaarth banaane men hota hai
Usage of Rubber in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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