Rule meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Rule
As noun : अनार्की Ex:  it was his rule to take a walk before breakfast
असदाचार Ex:  a violable rule आदत Ex:  She has broken the rules of the match and will have to be disqualified.
I have make it a rule `never lend money to any body.
उ:   ये आदत एक मुक्त-शैली बुद्धिगत वार्तालाप को उत्साहित करती है।
आदाब Ex:  Some Arabian countries are in the rule with plutocracy. आधिपत्य Ex:  The former rule applies later. उ:   आरंभिक मध्यकाल में पौलैंड पर अनेक जनजातियों का आधिपत्य था। उच्छास्त्र Ex:  Gag rule is not possible in a democracy. उपदेशता Ex:  The rule works throughout the data.. एकट Ex:  That rule is no longer in operation. एक्ट Ex:  He can be found in his office as a general rule . उ:   लेकिन इसकी जगह उन्हें रॉलेट एक्ट दिया गया। ऐडमिनिस्ट्रेशन Ex:  This rule cuts across all social barriers . ऐडमिनिस्ट्रेशन Ex:  This rule cuts across all social barriers . ओलिगार्की Ex:  His rule over his own people was tyrannous. कांस्टिट्यूशन Ex:  Under Indonesian rule कुलराज्य Ex:  Even under Indonesian rule खु Ex:  After Hunnish rule faded गुंफ Ex:  The north-western part remained under the rule of the Habsburgs गृहप्रबंध Ex:  , the countries both came under his rule but each retained its own Parliament. जापता Ex:  In 1947, constitutional rule was established ठकुराइति, ठकुराइती Ex:  The Czech lands were under Habsburg rule from 1526 डिसीप्लिन Ex:  Joscelin II continued to rule the remnants of the county from Turbessel तरीक Ex:  Romane, memento—"Roman, remember by your strength to rule the earth's peoples! तारघाट Ex:  While Eritrea was under Italian colonial rule दंडभंग Ex:  The British invaded in 1878 as Kabul was under Sher Ali Khan's rule दमन करना Ex:  During the Safavid Dynasty rule दामन् Ex:  In 1846, settlers rebelled against Mexican rule during the Bear Flag Revolt. धर्मकील Ex:  "Tipsy Run" or "Tippy-Go" rule धर्मप्रवक्ता Ex:  The exception to this rule is धर्मसमय Ex:  Ottoman rule over the region was considered harsh. धर्मस्थाय Ex:  Under the rule of dictator Anastasio Somoza García and his family धौँसना Ex:  Typical of his rule was his 1985 "Crossing the Rubicon" speech नियंट्रित करना Ex:  He always supported majority rule in Rhodesia and South Africa. नियम Ex:  During the 16 subsequent years of President Ratsiraka's rule उ:   ये नियम आज की समझ के बहुत करीब हैं। निरताना Ex:  Mussolini's new empire was to rule over the Mediterranean and North Africa. निरथाना Ex:  The ko rule therefore prohibits White from playing at the marked intersection. निर्णायन Ex:  When the Samians revolted against Athenian rule न्यायादेश Ex:  Böhme rigorously enforced the rule that for every German killed पटड़ी Ex:  During the period of Communist rule पटरी Ex:  Direct Spanish rule over the area having been established उ:   यह काम पटरी और परकार से असंभव है, परन्तु अन्य उपायों से हो सकता है। परनि Ex:  The Mozarabic liturgy even survived through Muslim rule परांचा Ex:  However, as speeds increase this rule becomes less accurate. पहपटबाजी Ex:  During Portuguese colonial rule फैसला देना Ex:  Between 1651-1661 some parts of Gambia was under Courland's rule बादशाहत Ex:  He upheld Turkish rule in the area मर्य्यादा Ex:  Aside from intervals of NDP rule from 1972-1975 and 1991-2001 मापक Ex:  When Belarus was under Polish rule उ:   इसमें ५० मेगॅहर्टज़ से १४२० मेगॅहर्टज़ फ्रिक्वेंसी मापक है। मुहावरा Ex:  Though Napoleon brought most of Western Europe under his rule राज करना Ex:  If a member believes that a rule has been breached राज्यधर Ex:  Nazi rule destroyed Berlin's Jewish community रेखा Ex:  If a member believes that a rule has been breached उ:   इस रेखा को ओसेज सीमा के रूप में जाना जाता है। रेगुलेशन Ex:  For the remaining 20 years of his rule रेहा Ex:  British rule may have ended in 1997 लगाम देना Ex:  If a senator believes that a rule has been breached वयुन Ex:  Once a municipality elects home rule status विधुति Ex:  He was baptized as Gleb and went on to rule Pinsk विराज्य़ Ex:  Since the end of Houphouët-Boigny's rule विसन्न Ex:  Traditional Chinese remains ubiquitous on buildings predating communist rule विहिति Ex:  The Sovereign does not personally rule in judicial cases वैशस्त्र Ex:  Oliver Cromwell continued to rule until his death in 1658 व्यवस्था Ex:  As a woman, Victoria could not rule Hanover उ:   यहां तीर्थ यात्रियों के ठहरने की व्यवस्था है। शासन करना Ex:  Froemming ignored the rule and allowed Aaron to be the DH for the Braves. शासन Ex:  These efforts extended Ethiopian rule for the first time across the Awash River उ:   अरबों का शासन सन् ६३६ में आया। शासनकर्ता Ex:  Being an administrative center of colonial rule शासित होना Ex:  Calls for greater independence from Moscow's rule grew louder शास्त्रि Ex:  Sicily was still officially under Spanish rule सजीया Ex:  After centuries of the rule of the Western Gangas सद Ex:  Authority over the various fields of rule सन्निवेश Ex:  The period of his rule is known as the Porfiriato समानांतर रेखाएँ खींचना Ex:  Defenders of the rule in Arlington Heights and Washington v. सरबरी Ex:  The rule was later changed. सरल रेखाएँ खींचना Ex:  Japanese rule ended and it was occupied by Soviet forces साति Ex:  During the time from the rule of Sigismund until the Nazi Holocaust सारति Ex:  The matters improved for a time under the rule of Józef Piłsudski स्केल Ex:  Lisbon was under Roman rule from 205 BC उ:   संगीत के स्केल में, बारह पिच होते हैं। स्थिर करना Ex:  There have been exceptions to this rule स्वल्पव्यक्ति तंत्र Ex:  To this end the FIA recently instituted a number of rule changes हुकुमत करना Ex:  Vietnam was liberated from Chinese rule by Lê Lợi
As verb : निर्णय कर Ex:  In situations where the ko rule applies
Other : अमलदारी Ex:  India was under the colonial rule for many years. आज्ञा Ex:  Do not sign a contract until you have read its rule thoroughly.
She has agreed salary terms and is ready to sign a contract.
उ:   आपलोग यदि मुझे आज्ञा दें तो मैं ही उसका वध कर सकता हूँ।
कर्तृत्व Ex:  During the years of Soviet rule उ:   वेदभाष्यों के एक कर्तृत्व होने में कतिपय आलोचक संदेह करते हैं। कल्प Ex:  Church membership grew considerably under Indonesian rule उ:   कल्प हिन्दू समय चक्र की बहुत लम्बी मापन इकाई है। कायदा Ex:  During the Soviet rule उ:   अल कायदा का दावा है कि यह जम्मू और कश्मीर में इसका आधार स्थापित है। चपती Ex:  Restored to French rule in 1779, St. दस्तूर Ex:  Orleans Parish is also an exception to this rule नियम बनाना Ex:  Emomali Rahmonov came to power in 1992, and continues to rule to this day. निर्णय करना Ex:  At the same time, the Dark Lord Sauron made the One Ring to rule them all. पट् टिका Ex:  Denmark granted home rule to Greenland प्रभुता Ex:  After nineteen months of military rule उ:   दूसरी सदी के बाद लातीनी साहित्य पर ईसाई धर्म की प्रभुता स्थापित हो गई। फुट्टा{पैमाना} Ex:  During the rule of Milton Obote and Idi Amin in the 1960's राज्य करना Ex:  For the remaining 20 years of his rule राज्य Ex:  Whenever the rule and regime changed उ:   राज्य की अर्थव्यवस्था कृषि आधारित है। राम Ex:  Labour rule the council under a minority administration उ:   अयोध्या को भगवान राम की नगरी कहा जाता है। रूल Ex:  The general rule is that there is only one layer of tesserae in sharks रेखा खींचने का यंत्र या कल Ex:  Aside from intervals of NDP rule from 1972-1975 and 1991-2001 रेखिका Ex:  Henry was the first of the House of Plantagenet to rule England. विधान Ex:  British rule and Canadian rule and with Quebec's motto below "Je me souviens". उ:   बेलसंड तथा शिवहर दो विधान सभा क्षेत्र है। विधि Ex:  At first Kęstutis and his son Vytautas acknowledged Jogaila's rule उ:   इस एकादशी व्रत की विधि बड़ी ही कठिन है। शासनविधि Ex:  During the Soviet rule शीर्षक Ex:  Bangalore developed as a centre for colonial rule in South India. उ:   शीर्षक है- गुणालंकार भेद निर्णय। हाकिमी Ex:  Opponents of King Léopold's rule stated
Rule ki paribhasha : vah kaaran ya mukhy hetu jisase gyaan ho thode aksharon ya shabdon men kaha hua aisa pad ya vachan jo bahut arth prakat karata ho akhitayaar jaisa—yah puchhane ka adhikaar tumhen nahin hai shabd vah shabd ya vaaky jo vishay ke parichay ke liye kisi lekh ya prabndh ke oopar likha jaay paarasiyon ka purohit jo unake dharmagrnth ke anusaar karmakaand karaata hai kisi kaary ka vah vidhaan jo shaastron aadi ke dvaara nishchit ya nirdhaarit hua ho kaath ka patala aur lnbotara takhta kisi ko apane adhikaar ya vash men rakhana soot ke aakaar ka lnba gaya hua chihn vidhi ya nishchay ke anukool praatibndh
Usage of Rule in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or intransitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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