Sacrament meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Sacrament
As noun : अट्टक Ex:  Distributing the sacrament in the temple,the priest said," this is not just a food to eat but the physical presence of Gods blessing to you."
अभिप्रणयन Ex:  Some users consider LSD a religious sacrament चित्तनिर्वृति Ex:  Baptism is the first sacrament of Christian initiation तबर्रक Ex:  Confirmation or Chrismation is the second sacrament of Christian initiation द्विजबंधु Ex:  A holy sacrament of gold, silver, vermeil परम प्रसाद Ex:  Baptism is a sacrament परम संस्कार Ex:  He received our Lord in the sacrament पर्साद Ex:  In terms of theology, and speaking of the sacrament of the Eucharist, he said of the Figure, color, flavor, etc पसाउ, पसाऊ Ex:  In terms of theology, he says the sacrament by which Christians, receiving the Holy Ghost with the abundance of his gifts, are confirmed in grace received in Baptism प्रसाद Ex:  In terms of theology, the form of a sacrament, the sacramental words that the priest says in the giving, as opposed to the matter of the sacrament उ:   दिन-रात प्रसाद और भोजन की व्यवस्था रहती है। श्रुष्टि Ex:  It also means Declare his sins, or to the priest in the sacrament of penance, or God only in some particular prayer संस्कार Ex:  It is not usual in this sentence of Catholic Theology In the sacrament of the Eucharist, we receive the body of Our Lord really and substantially उ:   उनका अंतिम संस्कार छोटी ज़रीन गाँव में किया गया। सद्मनी Ex:  Jesus Christ instituted the sacrament of the Eucharist
Other : परमसंस्कार या परमप्रसाद Ex:  In religious terms, the tribunal of penance, The place where we administer the sacrament of penance रहस्य Ex:  In the sacrament of the Eucharist, the bread is changed into the body of our Lord उ:   चाहे कि इसके निर्माण का समय एक रहस्य है। स‌ंस्कार Ex:  Receiving a sacrament
Sacrament ki paribhasha : jo ekaant men hua ho shikshaa, upadesha, sngata, aadi ka man par pad hua prabhaav vah vastu jo devata ko chadhaayi jaay
Usage of Sacrament in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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