Sag meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Sag
As noun : कम होना Ex:  It collapses, it begins to sag under the weight of years
जूष Ex:  It means, by analogy, Missing force , weaken, sag झुकना Ex:  It means, by extension, speaking of things, if steal, sag उ:   वह किसी के सामने झुकना नहीं जानते थे। झोल Ex:  It starts to sag झौल Ex:  Surgery Press, sag ढोकना Ex:  The lands are reported prone to sag नमस् रुमझुमाना लरकनी वरमना वारासन
Other : अवतलन Ex:  The plates would naturally sag to the sides of the Stegosaurus आनमन Ex:  He starts to sag दबना Ex:  Cheval melted, game Sorte where many children are jumping one after another on the back of one of them who stands bent and does not sag धसकना लटकना लदा हुआ
Sag ki paribhasha : kisi ooanche sthaan se lag ya tikakar niche ki or adhar men kuchh door tak phaila rahana kisi ka laabh ya badhati dekh duःkh se dabana aisi avastha men hona jisamen kisi or se bahut jor pade kisi khadi chij ke oopari bhaag ko tedha karake niche ki aur laana vah jhilli ya thaili jisamen garbh se nikale hue bachche ya ande rahate hain kisi khadi chij ke oopar ke bhaag ka niche ki or tedha hokar latak aana
Usage of Sag in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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