Satisfied meaning in hindi
As adjective : अघाउ Ex:  she satisfied his need for affection
आप्यायित Ex:  he was grimly satisfied खुशनूद Ex:  Labour is satisfied with their salary." निर्वृत Ex:  Tchaikovsky himself was than less satisfied with this, his last ballet. विवद्धिंत Ex:  1949. Not everyone was satisfied with the results, however. संतुष्ट Ex:  Morris and Reichert were not satisfied with the judgment. उ: सभी लोग संतुष्ट तथा प्रसन्न रहते थे। संतोषित Ex:  However, he was not satisfied by the immediate prospects. संप्रीत Ex:  The moderate groups were satisfied संप्रीतिमत् Ex:  a satisfied air, a satisfied mine सुविहित Ex:  By extension, this is a man who is not easily satisfied हृष्टसंकल्प Ex:  Finally satisfied हृष्टहृदय Ex:  Having to pleasant, be satisfied with something, approve
Other : कृती Ex:  The superviser was fully satisfied with his work. उ: पहले -पहले अपनी कृती खुद ही प्रकाशित करते और घर घर में जाकर बेचते थे। छकाछक Ex:  She wasnt satisfied by my explanation. तुष्ट Ex:  Many Greenlanders however were satisfied with the status quo शोधित Ex:  In addition to being satisfied with the ensemble’s performances of his music उ: आंशिक शोधित अम्ल के प्रभाजित क्रिस्टलन से शुद्ध अम्ल प्राप्त होता है। सन्तुष्ट Ex:  All in all, you have to be satisfied उ: किन्तु नेपोलियन इससे सन्तुष्ट नहीं हुआ।
ExamplesUsage of Satisfied in sentences
The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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