Satyr meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Satyr
As noun : अतिकामुक व्यक्ति Ex:  She had seen satyr in the jungle.
वनदेवता सैटर
Other : कामुक पुरूष Ex:  Marsyas was a satyr who challenged Apollo to a contest of music. किन्नर Ex:  The concluding satyr play was The Sphinx. नराख Ex:  The satyr play following this trilogy was titled Amymone वनचारी Ex:  The first three were tragedies, usually linked, and the fourth a satyr play वनदेवता जो आधा मनुष्य तथा आधा बकरे के रूप का होता है विलासी सेटर
Usage of Satyr in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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