Scale meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Scale
As noun : अनुपात Ex:  judging on a scale of 1 to 10 उ:   तथा यही अनुपात अगली पीढी के प्राणियों में भी जाता।
करिल Ex:  Decimal scale was first introduced in India. कीट Ex:  At a considerably smaller scale उ:   खीरे के छिलके से भी कीट और झींगुर भागते हैं। कुपली Ex:  Protests started out on a small scale केडा Ex:  He could not manage a proper scale कैड़ा Ex:  Emus are farmed on a large scale in North America कॉटा Ex:  With the over strung scale कोँप Ex:  The process consisted of the large scale gasification of coal in furnaces कोंपल Ex:  The floods of the valley came and went depending on long scale climatic change. उ:   बाँस ्की कोंपल के व्यंजन गारो लोगों का प्रिय व्यंजन होता है। खोलक Ex:  On a more local scale गर्भपत्र Ex:  Medium scale industries include the manufacturing of pesticides चोटी पर चढ़ना Ex:  The scale of the problem can be seen in the Tony Silva case of 1996 छिलका Ex:  A spring scale measures force but not mass उ:   खरबूजे को छिलका समेत खाने से कब्ज दूर होती है। छेवर Ex:  These had been used on a limited scale in Poland in 1939 छोँत Ex:  More than 75% of the population engages in small scale agriculture छोकला Ex:  This includes study at many levels of scale of size and time. तुलह Ex:  The amount of acetic acid used as vinegar on a worldwide scale is not large तुला Ex:  Beer is brewed on a commercial scale by Okells Brewery and Bushy's Brewery. उ:   सबसे छोटी तुला छह अंगुल तथा एक पल वजन की होती थी। तोलन यंत्र Ex:  It ranges in scale from the subatomic to the galactic. त्वक् Ex:  These temples were not on a large scale until the end of the 10th century. उ:   त्वक् वायु से बना है क्योंकि स्पर्श वायु का गुण है। परत Ex:  Like the symmetrical partitionings of the twelve-tone scale in Le Sacre उ:   अनुमार्गक इस परत में काम करते हैं। परिपीवर Ex:  Oysters are also harvested on a large scale from many of the bays and sounds. पलड़ा Ex:  Any new building was on a far smaller scale than before. उ:   युगों तक लडते रहे, कभी दैत्य तो कभी देवताओं का पलड़ा भारी रहता था। पैमाना Ex:  On a microscopic scale उ:   यह पैमाना अपेक्षाकृत कम प्रयुक्त होता है। पोकलाई ‡ Ex:  Smaller scale furnaces for specialty glasses include electric melters फुकली Ex:  This is a relatively small amount of time on a geological scale भरंड Ex:  Also, very large scale oscillations are of importance. मन्म Ex:  At the supercluster scale मस्ति Ex:  "The scale of historical climate change माँण Ex:  Additionally, many smaller scale feudal lordships were created. मान Ex:  Paleoclimatology is the study of climate change taken on a long scale उ:   इस कारण इसका मान अधिक होता है। मानदण्ड Ex:  The first large scale census of the Ottoman Empire in 1831 included Cyprus. उ:   वह उतना ही अधिक अच्छा मानदण्ड माना जाता है। मानु Ex:  There are 171 medium and large scale markets माप Ex:  Large scale industrialization projects were also undertaken. उ:   अतः घनत्व किसी पदार्थ के घनेपन की माप है। मापक्रम Ex:  As in London but on a broader scale मित्ती Ex:  This metric contains a scale factor मृजाद Ex:  At one extreme of this scale is climatology. वटि Ex:  The first large scale stone building in the world शल्क निकालना Ex:  Iceland is volcanically and geologically active on a large scale शल्क Ex:  These melodies are often made of sequences from the scale उ:   ये शल्क चपटे और कठोर होते हैं। सहरा Ex:  In 1902, this occurred on a large scale in south Russia . स्तर Ex:  His style has the scale उ:   बड़े स्तर पर जलेसर में पीतल की ढलाई का काम चल रहा। स्वरग्राम Ex:  In terms of music, rating or sensitive, substantively, Sensitive, seventh note of the scale स्वोरस Ex:  It is said to similar effect The scale of a hydrometer, etc
As verb : छिलका या परत उतारना Ex:  A unit for measuring weight or mass is called a weighing scale or
Other : अनुमाप Ex:  Logging on a large scale is creating environmental problems. खुरंट Ex:  The area presents optimal conditions for the large scale growth of grape vines. गुजरना Ex:  His photographs of the Taku Forts represent this approach on a reduced scale छिलके उतारना Ex:  The Fujita scale and the Enhanced Fujita Scale rate tornadoes by damage caused. तराजू Ex:  At the other end of the social scale उ:   पेट है क्रीम या हल्के पीले, और तराजू चिकनी कर रहे हैं। तौलना Ex:  Cochineal insects are soft-bodied, flat, oval-shaped scale insects. नापना Ex:  He was also criticized for his emphasis on developing large scale projects. पपडी Ex:  511 medium and large scale manufacturing firms are located in Kerala. पपड़ी Ex:  Constituting the scientific study of matter at the atomic and molecular scale पलड़ा Ex:  Social services have been developed in both scale and quality. मछली आदि का छिलका Ex:  Chile never experienced any large scale wave of immigrants. मात्रा. Ex:  At a considerably smaller scale मात्रा Ex:  1995. The eruption continues today on a much reduced scale उ:   इसमें पूरी मात्रा माप ली जाती है। मापनी Ex:  Control over the environment is seen on a large scale उ:   इस समय मापनी एवं प्रक्षेपों का विकास नहीं हुआ था। रूल Ex:  The address scale of 700 per mile results in addresses approaching उ:   यही असंतुष्टता ही होम रूल आन्दोलन के जन्म का कारण बनी। सरगम Ex:  The one which is the most widely used is the Pauling scale . सीढी से चढना Ex:  A scale that is not charged enough सीढी Ex:  Animalcule the most basic organization and placed at the lowest level of the animal scale सीढ़ी से चढ़ना Ex:  Chromatic scale सुर Ex:  give scale to a dress सेहरा Ex:  He also said, speaking of His compared to any higher sounds, in the general scale स्केल Ex:  His method has the scale उ:   सीधी लाइनों के लिये यदि स्केल भी पास हो तो बहुत अच्छा होता है।
Scale ki paribhasha : motaayi ka phailaav jo kisi satah ke oopar ho gurutv naapane ka ynn reangane ya udanevaala kshudr jntu bhoogarbh shaastr ke anusaar bhoomi aadi ka ek prakaar ka vibhaag jo usaki bhinn bhinn kaalon men bani hui tahon ke aadhaar par hota hai maapane ki kriya ya bhaav vah vastu chhad, dnda, soota, dori, baratan aadi jisase koi vastu maapi jaay kisi padaarth ka bhaara, taul ya naap aadi rassiyon ke dvaara ek sidhi daandi ke chhoron se bandhe hue do paladon ka ek yntr jisase vastuon ki taul maaloom karate hain di hui tin snkhyaaon se chauthi ko jaanana phalon, kadon tatha isi prakaar ki aur vastuon ke oopar ka kosh ya baahar aavaran jo chhilane, kaatane ya todne se sahaj men alag ho sakata hai
Usage of Scale in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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