Scheming meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Scheming
As noun : अंटीबाज Ex:  Deceitful advertising
She was a deceitful scheming little thing
अठकपाली Ex:  The workers started scheming against the manager. उपाधिक Ex:  Seymour was ambitious and scheming to control the royal family. कापट Ex:  Bourbon continued his scheming with Charles कारुचौर Ex:  Concerned by Bourbon's scheming कूटच्छदमा Ex:  Dither a secret intrigue, artfully prepare the outcome of a case by a scheming कृहक चालक उ:   दोनों चालक दल सुरक्षित रूप से निकलालिया गया था। चुडुक्का छलछदी छलहाई छित्वर जर्राक धूतारा धूर्त पचकल्यानी ‡ पुरफन प्रपंचबुद्धि फरफदी बिड़ बैठकबाज मुफ्तरी मुरशिद मौष्टिक लड्ड वंचथ वक्रधी वाणिजिक विवंचिषु विसंवादी शय्याद श्वेतभिक्षु सव्याज सैलूष हूर्छिता
Usage of Scheming in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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