Scheming meaning in hindi
As noun : अंटीबाज Ex: Deceitful advertising
She was a deceitful scheming little thing
अठकपाली Ex: The workers started scheming against the manager. उपाधिक Ex: Seymour was ambitious and scheming to control the royal family. कापट Ex: Bourbon continued his scheming with Charles कारुचौर Ex: Concerned by Bourbon's scheming कूटच्छदमा Ex: Dither a secret intrigue, artfully prepare the outcome of a case by a scheming कृहक चालक उ: दोनों चालक दल सुरक्षित रूप से निकलालिया गया था। चुडुक्का छलछदी छलहाई छित्वर जर्राक धूतारा धूर्त पचकल्यानी ‡ पुरफन प्रपंचबुद्धि फरफदी बिड़ बैठकबाज मुफ्तरी मुरशिद मौष्टिक लड्ड वंचथ वक्रधी वाणिजिक विवंचिषु विसंवादी शय्याद श्वेतभिक्षु सव्याज सैलूष हूर्छिता
She was a deceitful scheming little thing
As verb : षड्यंत्रकारी
Other : परियोजक
ExamplesUsage of Scheming in sentences
The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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