Scholar meaning in hindi
As noun : पाँडे़ Ex:  As observed by scholar Ross Haenfler
बेदंत Ex:  He worked in Baghdad as a scholar at the House of Wisdom established by Caliph विद्वान Ex:  Speaking of Zen in general, Buddhist scholar Stephen Hodge writes : ". उ: अन्य विद्वान मगध पर शक मुण्डों का शासन मानते हैं। वृत्ति छात्र Ex:  As legal scholar Randy Barnett has argued शोध छात्र Ex:  Vijayindra Tîrtha, a Dvaita scholar interprets the 18 puranas differently.
Other : कोविद Ex:  He is a scholar in numismatics. छात्र Ex:  he is a scholar on deontological. उ: इस गाँव के सभी छात्र होनहार हैं। छात्रवृत्तिधारी Ex:  Mexican scholar Miguel León-Portilla suggests that it is derived from mexictli पंडित Ex:  As the Afrocentric scholar Molefe Asante explains उ: ये पंडित रविशंकर के शिष्यों में से एक हैं। पण्डित Ex:  Barbeau became a Rhodes scholar and eventually a classmate of Jenness. उ: इसके साथ ही न्याय, काव्य, व्याकरण आदि के भी वे पण्डित थे। विद्यार्थी Ex:  According to religious scholar Karen Armstrong उ: देश-विदेश के विद्यार्थी यहाँ पढ़ने आते हैं। विद्वान् Ex:  Forster was in contact with the private scholar Sir Joseph Banks उ: कुछ विद्वान् इन्हें सायण से परवर्ती ठहराते हैं।
Scholar ki paribhasha : chhataya naamak maghumakkhi jo kuchh pile aur kapil varn ki hoti hai vai jo aatma ka svaroop jaanata ho vah jo sadamad ke vivekagyaan se yukt ho
ExamplesUsage of Scholar in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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