Scholarly meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Scholarly
As noun : अध्ययनशील Ex:  Much scholarly debate has concentrated on Luther's writings about the Jews.
As adjective :
पाण्डित्यपूर्ण Ex:  In addition to authoring over two hundred scholarly papers
Other : आलिम Ex:  Morley's publications include: In addition to his scholarly work पठित Ex:  '" The question is a scholarly trap. विद्यार्थी के अनुरूप Ex:  Not only was it the first scholarly edition of Austen's works विद्वतापूर्ण Ex:  Of all Wallace's books it is the most cited by scholarly publications. विद्वान योग्य Ex:  It is widely perceived as the most scholarly of encyclopaedias.
Usage of Scholarly in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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