School meaning in hindi

How to pronounce School
As noun : अंतसद् Ex:  Our school had a big compound.
अक्षरमुख Ex:  The farthest school from here is about 400 metres. अधीयान Ex:  The boy overslept and was late for school अनुयायी Ex:  Chewing gum is not allowed in the school premises. उ:   रणपिसे आम्बेडकर के अनुयायी थे। अनुयायीवर्ग Ex:  No one can enter school premises without a permit. अनुयोयी Ex:  All the boarders at the school were divided in different houses. अनेकचर Ex:  A school of maladjusted children. अयातपूर्व Ex:  The school was originally quite small. असोसिएशन Ex:  There is a school house in my village. आंगार Ex:  he joined the new school with zest. इंस्टिट्यूट Ex:  upgradded school उ:   इसके बाद फ़िल्म इंस्टिट्यूट पुणे में अभिनय की शिक्षा ली। इनस्टिट्यूशन Ex:  he complained that school was just memorization and regurgitation इस्कूल० Ex:  Mother bundled up the children for the long way to school एकडेमी Ex:  She worked in a school for a while before joining the college. एकडेमी Ex:  She worked in a school for a while before joining the college. एजुकेशन Ex:  permissible behavior in school उ:   लेकिन हमारी ये पहल एजुकेशन की तस्वीर बदलेगी। एसेंब्ली Ex:  In our school there are two playing fields. कइन Ex:  Balsam is grown in our school garden. कमलवन Ex:  He entered her name in the school register. काँडी Ex:  Stoneground covers the frontier of our school premises. कापटक Ex:  She sings in the school choir. खयालात Ex:  The school of dentistry is being established in our college. गंजो Ex:  Ram goes to school barefoot. गल्ला Ex:  He tried to recapture the pleasures of school life. गुरुकुल Ex:  Computer is included in the curriculum at the school उ:   नर्मदापुरम में एक प्राचीन गुरुकुल है। गुरुगृह Ex:  After school was over the road was full of kids. चंद्रौंल Ex:  i used to go school in childhood. चक्रबाल Ex:  Books of psalters were distributed among the school children. चित्तधारा Ex:  The school has many variants चेलिक Ex:  rabbinical school जटि Ex:  The Public school sold the tickets for a raffle. जापता Ex:  academically, this is a good school झुंड Ex:  He gets into problems in school due to his flippancy. उ:   यह बाग बगीचों में झुंड में रहता है। झोँट Ex:  Now a days many school bags are showerproof. झौँर Ex:  Robert bundled the children off to school . टुकडी़ Ex:  The dean finally busted Bill out of school . ठट्ट Ex:  For a lark, I wore a clown's wig to school . डिसीप्लिन Ex:  Aunt Jane is from the old school . डिसीप्लिन Ex:  Aunt Jane is from the old school . ढेरो Ex:  John was kept back a year in school . तालिबइल्म Ex:  Iowa has 365 school districts तोत Ex:  Jan attended the school in nearby Riebeek West. थट, थट्ट Ex:  Although Teresa enjoyed teaching at the school थेड Ex:  Initially she started a school in Motijhil नचवाई Ex:  His family moved to Gospić in 1862. Tesla went to school in Karlovac. नबह Ex:  The school name that Chiang Kai-shek chose for himself was Zhiqing . पंथ Ex:  Aristotle conducted courses at the school for the next twelve years. उ:   पारसी पंथ शुरूआत ५वी शताब्दी से मानता है। पंथड़ा Ex:  The Palas created many temples and a distinctive school of Buddhist art. पंथा Ex:  In Steiglitz he designed the Free Church school and in 1858 a Catholic school. पढ्ना Ex:  Wagner was enrolled at Pastor Wetzel's school at Possendorf पत्सल Ex:  Leubald begun at school in 1826 पद्धति Ex:  The Royal High School is considered to be the oldest school in Scotland. उ:   पहली पद्धति है बुराई के बदले अधिक बुराई। पधति Ex:  High school football is popular परिस्कंध Ex:  High school teams generally play only against other teams from their state . पल्लवांकुर Ex:  Piano-making flourished during the late 18th century in the Viennese school पष्ठानुग Ex:  His parents sent him to a Catholic school in Beirut पाँति Ex:  He was taken out of the school through the library windows by SWAT team members पाठशाला Ex:  , and 2 SWAT teams entered the school at 1:09 p. उ:   महर्षि कर्वे इस पाठशाला के प्रथम प्रिंसिपल बने। पार्ष्णिग्रह Ex:  Unlike many other school shootings पृष्ठगामी Ex:  The FBI eventually published a major report on school shooters पृष्ठलग्न Ex:  This intellectual school revolutionized medicine in ancient Greece प्रनालिका Ex:  The Knidian school of medicine focused on diagnosis प्रशिष्टि Ex:  As an alternative to school sports प्रातिबंधक Ex:  There is currently no medical school in Brunei फंस ‡ Ex:  Another art school is the State Institution for Music and Performance Art फहमाइस Ex:  From about the age of three until the time she started school फालावर Ex:  Depending on the local school authorities बलदी Ex:  Sanger attended Claverack College, a boarding school in Hudson for two years. बास्तिक Ex:  One school of thought बिद्यारथी Ex:  In the 1910–1911 school year भँडारा Ex:  Stoicism is a school of Hellenistic philosophy मजहब Ex:  Denver Public Schools is the public school system in Denver. मुरीद Ex:  In particular, Eliot strongly influenced the school of New Criticism. लतापाश Ex:  Secondary school students study Portuguese लेँहड़ा Ex:  There were 236 students enrolled when the school opened वंश्य Ex:  Kehoe drove up to the school and saw Superintendent Huyck. वयुन Ex:  They lived at the school वस्तुजात Ex:  The organization was in some ways a school वात्सक Ex:  Thoreau taught school in Canton, Massachusetts. वालुका Ex:  Velázquez remained in Pacheco's school for five years विंद्यागृह Ex:  According to the Hanafi and Maliki school of Islamic jurisprudence विंद्यागृह Ex:  According to the Hanafi and Maliki school of Islamic jurisprudence विचारधारा Ex:  1783. The school was founded by Benjamin Rush and named after John Dickinson उ:   इस विचारधारा के प्रवर्तक डॉ. रघुवीर थे। विद्यापीठ Ex:  Aumann contributed more to the equilibrium school उ:   विद्यापीठ में अध्ययन-अध्यापन का माध्यम हिन्दी है। विद्यामंदिर Ex:  During the 2003–2004 school year उ:   उन्होंने बलमोहन विद्यामंदिर दादर से अपनी शिक्षा प्रात की। विद्यार्थी Ex:  The Spectator is Stuyvesant's official school newspaper. उ:   फाइनमेन उस समय विद्यार्थी थे। विद्यालय Ex:  The Spectator is independent from the school उ:   अनेक विद्यालय अपने पथके सिखाते है। विद्यावेश्म Ex:  It covers school news as well as current events विनयन Ex:  2001. The school was evacuated during the attack. विनयप्रमाथी Ex:  Berlin has a unique bilingual school program embedded in the "Europaschule". विनेय Ex:  Further down, there is a medical school called American University of Antigua. विरझ Ex:  His school of thought is known as the Madhyamaka. विसर Ex:  This school gradually declined on the Indian subcontinent वीद्यापीठ Ex:  He was removed from school वैतान Ex:  Penang Free School is also the oldest school in South East Asia. शब्दी Ex:  As school populations have fallen in parts of the county शाखा Ex:  After-parties can also be held after school dances उ:   इस शाखा के अन्य कवि रैदास, दादू हैं। शागिर्दपेशा Ex:  MSU bought the school in 1995, and moved it to East Lansing. शासनतंत्र Ex:  Rolihlahla Mandela became the first member of his family to attend a school शासनप्रणाली Ex:  The influence of English public school and university football codes शिक्षण काल Ex:  The Cambridge Platonist movement evolved into a school called Latitudinarianism शिक्षा Ex:  Edubuntu is an official subproject designed for school environments उ:   शिक्षा का माध्यम अंग्रेजी ही है। शिक्षाग्राहक Ex:  A Big Ten school and home of the Golden Gophers शिक्षालय Ex:  This school of thought led intellectuals such as the English poet Ezra Pound उ:   अतएव ये विधि व्यवसाय के शिक्षालय भी थे। शिफाधर Ex:  High school sports are also popular. शिल्पविधान Ex:  The public school system शिष्य Ex:  In 1860 he attended the Zundert village school उ:   इनके शिष्य इन्हें ठाकुर नाम से पुकारते थे। शिष्यक Ex:  Cameroon has one of the highest school attendance rates in Africa. शिष्यगण Ex:  Girls attend school less regularly than boys do because of cultural attitudes शिष्यशिष्टि Ex:  The school committee for the Boston Public Schools is appointed by the mayor. शौबा Ex:  Woddeson's school at Kingston-on-Thames, shortly after which his mother died. श्रोणी Ex:  The Junior school consists of the 7th and 8th grades. संख्यात Ex:  For the 2006–07 school year संधक Ex:  In the 2004–05 school year संभूयगमन Ex:  After teaching briefly in a Berlin girls' school संव्रात Ex:  Rugby is also a popular sport at the club and school level. संसत्, संसद् Ex:  Journalism would become his school of writing. संस्था Ex:  He briefly taught mathematics and physics at his former school in Munich. उ:   सुसंघटित आश्रम संस्था भारतवर्ष की अपनी विशेषता है। संहीत Ex:  The mainstream Hanafite school of Sunni Islam is largely organized by the state सन्नय Ex:  The state has 197 public school districts सन्निवेश Ex:  The latter is offered in high school and college समाम्नाय Ex:  The mainstream Hanafi school of Sunni Islam is largely organised by the state समुदाइ, समुदाई Ex:  American public school systems समुदायि Ex:  Enrollment in religious school समूह Ex:  Coline Moneron SSS school are also found in the capital of Mauritius. उ:   यह द्वीप समूह चारों ओर से सागरों से घिरा हुआ है। साँमजि Ex:  In 1922 Escher left the school साषा Ex:  These towns do not have independent school boards सिखापन Ex:  Free school milk was introduced by Ellen Wilkinson सिख्ना Ex:  In 1932–1933 he briefly studied economics in Moscow at the Comintern school सिष्य ‡ Ex:  Kentucky and part of a high school collapsed. सीक्रेट Ex:  She attended secondary school at Wyedean School and College. उ:   विक्टोरिया सीक्रेट मूल रूप से "द लिमिटेड" के स्वामित्व में था। सुरगण Ex:  Austrian school economist Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk सेँगर Ex:  In 1756 the school moved to Princeton. सेखावत Ex:  Although the elite administrative school ENA has been relocated to Strasbourg सेमिनरी Ex:  Student selection is based on the school grades and the teacher remarks. उ:   इसमें प्रमुख रूप से कला और सेमिनरी प्रशिक्षण उपलब्ध है। सेमिनरी Ex:  Student selection is based on the school grades and the teacher remarks. उ:   इसमें प्रमुख रूप से कला और सेमिनरी प्रशिक्षण उपलब्ध है। स्कूल Ex:  Topeka is served by four public school districts including Topeka USD 501 उ:   स्कूल में रहते हुए उन्होंने कुछ नाटक भी खेले। स्टुडेंट Ex:  But English and Spanish are part of the official high school curriculum. उ:   इसका अनुकरण करते हुए उन्होने स्टुडेंट ऑफ़ द ईयर का उत्पादन किया। स्तबक Ex:  Massachusetts is home to the country's oldest high school हलिनी Ex:  America's first publicly funded high school मत उ:   तुम मुझे दुराचारिणी मत समझ बैठना।
As verb : औराना Ex:  Our school organised many types of events on sports day. निबोध Ex:  By 335 BC, he established his own school there, known as the Lyceum. प्रशिक्षित करना Ex:  Several of the Frank sisters' school friends had survived षोषण Ex:  In 1838 the school moved once again सीखना Ex:  These composers are not part of a distinct school or tradition उ:   जो लोग स्‍कींग सीखना शुरु कर रहे हैं, उनके लिए भी यह सही जगह है।
Other : अनुयायी वर्ग Ex:  the school was founded in 1900 चटसाल Ex:  The school admits only 50 student at a time. पढाई Ex:  After school he went on to Trinity College, Cambridge. उ:   उच्च शिक्षा कि पढाई के लिए पैसों कि आवश्यकता थी। पढाना Ex:  While not at school or college पद्वति Ex:  Lee opened his first martial arts school उ:   यह पद्वति प्राचीन काल से ही चली आ रही है। पढ़ाई Ex:  Typical Nicaraguan buses are older school buses from the United States. पढ़ाना Ex:  He went to school in Gwelo and at Rhodes University in South Africa. प‌ंथ Ex:  He went to school at Upper Canada College मदरसा Ex:  All Mozambicans are required by law to attend school through the primary level. उ:   यह मदरसा उन्हीं की दुआओं का फल है। विद्या देना Ex:  Selena did well in school but as she grew more popular शाला Ex:  IIT Kharagpur also has a medical technology school शिक्षा देना Ex:  He went to school in the Church of Scotland Mission at Thogoto सम्प्रदाय Ex:  After graduating from high school in 1987 उ:   अधिकतर रूसी ईसाई लोग इसी सम्प्रदाय के सदस्य हैं। सिखाना Ex:  Pupils went to school every day, except religious festivals and market days.
School ki paribhasha : vah pustak jisamen kisi prakaar ki pratha ya kaarya- pranaali likhi ho vah halka bhojan jo rogi ko lnghan ya upavaas ke pichhe sharir kuchh svasth hone par diya jaata hai guru, aachaary ya shikshak ke rahane ka vah sthaan jahaaan vah vidyaarthiyon ko apane saath rakhakar shiksha deta ho vah vidyaalay jahaaan kisi bhaashaa, vishay ya kala aadi ki shiksha di jaati ho vah jo shiksha ya upadesh dene ke yogy ho guptacharon ya bhediyon ka varg aparaadhi ko dnd dene ka kaashth ka ek yntr kisi vidya ki sikhane ya sikhaane ka kriya vah sthaan jahaaan padha ya padhaaya jaay vah sthaan jahaaan vidya padhaayi jaati ho
Usage of School in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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