School teacher meaning in hindi

How to pronounce School teacher
As noun : अतालिक Ex:  he complacently lived out his life as a village school teacher
अध्यापयिता Ex:  Today our school teacher was awarded for her great performance in Maths. अववोधक Ex:  New York school teacher John Doughty proposed the offensive use of chlorine gas पाँडे़ Ex:  He retired in September 1918 and became a school teacher in the Tula Oblast. बोधकर Ex:  I'm a school teacher from Dorset, in the west of England . बोधयिता Ex:  A school teacher who always had the rule in hand विद्यागुरु Ex:  We say the same Instruction primary, primary education, primary school teacher विनेता Ex:  We say today Teacher, primary school teacher शासिता शिक्षक उ:   इस गाँव में अनेक लोग शिक्षक हैं। शिक्षाकर शिक्षिताक्षर स्कूलटीचर, स्कूलमास्टर
Usage of School teacher in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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