Science meaning in hindi
As noun : अकूफ Ex: to study science endoskeleton.
अध्ययन Ex: the wonders of modern science उ: सबसे पहले संहिताओं का अध्ययन होता था। अध्येंन Ex: the science of genetics अम्र Ex: theoretical science अवगर Ex: Homi Jehangir Babha led a life consecrated to science आर्ट Ex: The science of astronomy is vast. उ: इसमें उन्होंने फ़िल्म आर्ट के इतिहास पर लिखा है। इदराक Ex: Reading science fiction is very interesting. उपोद्ग्रह Ex: the cross-fertilization of science and the creative arts कलंदिका Ex: phenomenal science कार्यवस्तु Ex: Linguistics is the science of language. कौशल Ex: Social science tells us about the society. उ: प्राचीन काल में यह कौशल देश की दूसरी राजधानी थी। गिनान Ex: Phonetics is the science of sounds. गोआन Ex: Physics is the science of matter R. P. Feynman ग्याँन Ex: Astrophysics developed from the ancient science of astronomy. चेत Ex: Civilian uses for submarines include marine science जाँन Ex: Brazilian science effectively began in the first decades of the 19th century ज्ञान Ex: China's science and technology fell behind that of Europe by the 17th century. उ: उनको सुनने से अर्थ ज्ञान होता है। तकनीक Ex: The student ran into science classroom SCI-1 and alerted the teacher inside. उ: यह शिल्प-परम्परा और उसकी तकनीक बहुत पुरानी है। दर्याफ्त Ex: In the philosophy of science दानिस्त Ex: The word science comes through the Old French दृश Ex: Discussion of scientists as a special group of people who did science निपठ, निपठन Ex: Others do not see mathematics as a science परिचोपु Ex: Technologies are not usually exclusively products of science प्रक्रिया Ex: According to British historian of science Lisa Jardine उ: इस प्रक्रिया का आस्राव शब्द से व्यक्त करते हैं। प्रविचेतन Ex: Billy brings one to science teacher Roy Hanson प्रवृति विज्ञान Ex: He concentrated on science and technology, e. फैलसुफी Ex: The science of color is sometimes called chromatics. बिज्ञान Ex: Alcohols have applications in industry and science as reagents or solvents. उ: खास तौर से मेडीकल साइन्स व पसु बिज्ञान पढने के लिए। बिनाणा Ex: Cognitive science has also considered aesthetics बिषय Ex: It features advanced science बिषै Ex: Newly emerging branches of science बूझ, बूझि Ex: , Islamic science, and Timeline of science and technology in the Islamic world. रात्र Ex: Throughout the history of science वयुन Ex: As one historian of science has pointed out वार्त्ता Ex: He wanted to become a scientist but jobs in science were rare at this time विज्ञान Ex: In the history of science उ: यह विज्ञान का एक प्रमुख विभाग है। विदथ Ex: Although these were not the only uses for the science विदर्शना Ex: Today, the science continues to advance. विद्यानुपालन Ex: In library and information science विद्याव्यसन Ex: Earth science generally recognizes 4 spheres विनान Ex: He was fascinated with science and scientific inquiry. विपस् Ex: These discoveries have potential applications in applied science and industry विवेकता Ex: Manly Wade Wellman, and Alfred Bester, established writers of science fiction. विषय Ex: Poe also reinvented science fiction उ: इनका विषय दर्शन शास्त्र ही रहा। विषयीय Ex: Poe's work also influenced science fiction वुकूफ Ex: For this reason, he considered it a work of art, not science व्युप्तत्ति Ex: In rapidly changing fields such as science सब्जेक्ट Ex: From 1943 to 1949, all of his published science fiction appeared in Astounding. समोध Ex: Sagan also wrote the best-selling science fiction novel ''Contact'' सिद्धहस्तता Ex: Sagan thought that science should study the phenomenon सुपालि Ex: Antigua In science fiction हृदयलेख Ex: In the history of science हृल्लेख Ex: Before chemistry became a science
Other : इल्म Ex: Popular science articles oversimplify the science principles विद्या विभाग Ex: The basis for later theoretical computer science विद्या Ex: He did well in science उ: ये विद्या और बुद्धि प्रदाता हैं। शास्त्र Ex: Philadelphia's major science museums include the Franklin Institute उ: आयुर्वेद शास्त्र का विकास उत्तरवैदिक काल में हुआ। साइंस Ex: For as popular as this debunking was with science writers and the public उ: साइंस सेंटर और एक विज्ञान पार्क यहाँ है।
Science ki paribhasha : vah gyaan jo shiksha aadi ke dvaara upaarjit ya praapt kiya jaata hai hinduon ke anusaakar RRishiyon aur muniyon aadi ke banaaye hue ve praachin grnth jinamen logon ke hit ke liye anek prakaar ke kartavy batalaaye gae hain aur anuchit kratyon ka nishedh kiya gaya hai raajaaon ka chanvara, chhatr aadi ka dhaaran vah bad pradesh jisapar koi shaasan vyavastha ho vastuon aur vishayon ki vah bhaavana jo man ya aatma ko ho braahmaanon ke shatkarmo men se ek karm kisi vishisht vishay ke tatvon ya siddhaanton aadi ka vishesh roop se praapt kiya hua gyaan jo thik kram se ekatr ya sngrahit ho
ExamplesUsage of Science in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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