Screwed up meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Screwed up
As noun : आविद्ध Ex:  Mostly people screwed up waste paper before throwing them in dustbin.
आसहर Ex:  This is a really screwed up schedule . किंकतव्याविमढ़ घबराया हुआ त्यक्तात्मा नाउम्मेद निभरोसी निराश उ:   निराश हो कर एकलव्य वन में चले गये । प्रविषण्ण भिन्नहृदय भैचक मरोड़कर गोला बना हुआ विमूढ़संज्ञ विलक्षित व्याकुलचेता संभ्रात
As adjective : मसोसना
Screwed up ki paribhasha : phool ya patti aadi ka ku्mhalaana
Usage of Screwed up in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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