Script meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Script
As noun : अक्षरन्यास Ex:  The script was decoded by a group of policemen .
अक्षरन्यास Ex:  The script was decoded by a group of policemen . अक्षरविन्यासा Ex:  By his neat script he was always appreciated by his teachers. अक्षरविन्यासा Ex:  By his neat script he was always appreciated by his teachers. अक्षरसंस्थान Ex:  Yiddish is a German language written in Hebrew script and spoken by the Jewish people of Central and Eastern Europe and by the Jewish migrants from these areas and their descendants. अक्षरांग Ex:  Demotic script was eventually replaced by Greek आर्टिकिल Ex:  I think I can make something of this script . आलेख लिखना Ex:  Amharic and Tigrinya, the script is called , which means script or alphabet. आलेख Ex:  The Ge'ez script has been adapted to write other languages उ:   यहाँ कई तीर्थ यात्रियों के लिखे आलेख हैं। उत्तर पुस्तिका Ex:  Various roots reggae musicians have used the script in album art. काव्यरीति Ex:  The Arabic alphabet derives from the Aramaic script कोटेशन Ex:  Although use of the script was rather free-form तरीक Ex:  In the earliest times Hungarian language was written in a runic-like script . पंजि Ex:  Ge'ez and its script are also called "Ethiopic". लिंपि Ex:  The Arabic alphabet is the script used for writing languages such as Arabic लिखत Ex:  Use of the Arabic script in West African languages लिखावट Ex:  Most languages of the Iranian languages family continue to use Arabic script उ:   साधारणतया शब्दों क़ी लिखावट दायें से बायीं दिशा क़ी ओर है। लिपि Ex:  The earliest known form of writing was cuneiform script उ:   इसकी लिपि भी ध्वनि सिद्धांतों पर आधारित है। लिबि Ex:  Monahan sold his spec script Tripoli to 20th Century Fox लिबि Ex:  Monahan sold his spec script Tripoli to 20th Century Fox लिवि Ex:   the script later won him two Best Adapted Screenplay awards लेख Ex:  A second script was to be based on Marco Polo's autobiography Travels उ:   यह लेख 'कुशीनगर जिला' के बारे में है। लेखाक्षर Ex:  This script eventually developed into the Proto-Canaanite alphabet वर्णदूत Ex:  Another notable script is Elder Futhark वस्तुरचना Ex:  In the Pollard script वाक्यपद्धति Ex:  The Book Pahlavi script वाक्यप्रबंध Ex:  Jews gradually stopped using the Hebrew script शैली Ex:  Since 2002 all signs are bilingual in Thai and Roman script उ:   यह शैली गद्य-काव्य का सा आनंद देती है। सब्त Ex:  Over time, romanized script overtook Sanskrit and Jawi as the dominant script. हस्त लेख से मिलते जुलते टाईप के अक्षर Ex:  It is also sometimes used as a script language. हस्त लेख Ex:  Spielberg sent the script to Carl Gottlieb , asking for advice. हस्तलिपि Ex:  Y Gododdin is known only from a manuscript of the 13th century हाथ की लिखावट Ex:  Griffen claims to have partially deciphered the script
As verb : आलेख बनाना Ex:  The Maya script was a logosyllabic system.
Other : देवनागरी Ex:  These stones include inscriptions in Latin and Ogham script उ:   देवनागरी एक भारतीय लिपि है। पत्रिका Ex:  The Pali and Sanskrit languages and the Indian script उ:   नयी कहानियाँ' मूलतः कहानी-केंद्रित पत्रिका थी। रचना Ex:  The three went over the script at Pei's home उ:   इन गीतों की रचना आम जनता द्वारा की जाती है। लघु लेख Ex:  The Sumerian script was adapted for the writing of the Akkadian सीसे के अक्षर जो लिखे हुये अक्षर के रूप के हो Ex:  The Proto-Sinaitic script was in use from ca.
Script ki paribhasha : taratib ya kram se rakhana bhaaratavarsh ki pradhaan lipi jisamen snskrata, hindi, maraathi aadi deshabhaashaaean likhi jaati hain likhane ke liye kaagaj ka panna vichaaron ya bhaavon ko abhivyakt karane ki riti ya kaushal likhit saamagri pramaan aadi ke liye upayogi
Usage of Script in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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