Scriptural meaning in hindi
As noun : आर्यवृत्त Ex:  Mormons include the Book of Moses as part of their scriptural canon.
दीनी Ex:  Both sides in the debate can find scriptural support for their views. देवयु Ex:  A considerable variety of scriptural chronologies is possible. धरमादी Ex:  Backing these scriptural identities धर्मधारी धर्मानिष्ठ धर्मिष्टी धार्मिक उ: यह एक प्रमुख धार्मिक केंद्र है। परत्रभोरु पुण्यकृत् पौण्य सत्वविहित सुप्रतिपन्न
Other : धर्म पुस्तक सम्बन्धी Ex:  Sunday School, featuring a lesson on various scriptural topics धर्मग्रन्थ सम्मत शास्त्रीय उ: मालदीवज का शास्त्रीय येमेनी नाम दिबजत है।
ExamplesUsage of Scriptural in sentences
The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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