Scrutiny meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Scrutiny
Other :
अवलोकन Ex:  Her work doesn't stand up under close scrutiny . उ:   वर्तमान में, इसरो पृथ्वी अवलोकन उपग्रह की एक बड़ी संख्या चल रहा है। आलोकन Ex:  In practice, the House of Commons' scrutiny of the Government is very weak. छानबीन Ex:  There is also a middle level of scrutiny उ:   दार्शनिक संकेत मात्र देते हैं और वैज्ञानिक ब्योरों की छानबीन करते है। तहकीकात Ex:  In practice, the House of Commons' scrutiny of the Government is fairly weak. परिनिरीक्षण Ex:  Suharto came under scrutiny from international lending institutions परिनिरीक्षा Ex:  Subir scrutiny संवीक्षा Ex:  Give, offer a spectacle, and the eyes are exposed to public scrutiny सूक्ष्म जांच स‌ंवीक्षा (परिशोधन
Scrutiny ki paribhasha : kisi ke gun dosh aadi jaanane ke liye use achchhi tarah se dekhane bhaalane ka kaary kisi vishay ya ghatana ki thik thik baaton ki koj
Usage of Scrutiny in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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