Seal meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Seal
As noun : चिपकाना Ex:  In 1843, a seal representing Hong Kong was instituted.
छाप Ex:  It is the only entirely freshwater seal species in the world. उ:   छाप तिलक सब छीनी रे मोसे नैना मिला के। जोड़ने के लिए प्रयुक्त होने वाला पदार्थ Ex:  The city council seal of the 14th century stated: S: Civitatis Lembvrgensis. बन्द कर देना Ex:  These lines are followed by a sequence of identity shifts involving a seal मजबूती Ex:  A seal of green wax, white wax उ:   शिलाएँ कठोरता, मजबूती तथा दृढ़ता में भिन्न होती हैं। मुद्रा Ex:  The current seal also has English text . उ:   यहाँ की आधिकारिक मुद्रा है लात्स। वह वस्तु जिसके द्वारा मुहर लगाई जाती है Ex:  Fortification Wall which is usually straight between two bastions and seal the sides विनिवेश Ex:  Furniture and office seal the boxes which are placed records, music scores, papers, etc सील मछली Ex:  He is accused of breaking a seal सील Ex:  It also said the lead seal that is put at the bottom of some letters of popes, and, by extension, these same letters उ:   सील को तीन आजीवन कारावासों की सज़ा सुनाई गई। सुनिश्चित करना Ex:  It is said in the same direction : There is opposition to the seal, it was opposed to the seal सुरक्षा के लिए प्रयुक्त होने वाला पदार्थ Ex:  It is said rather put under seal
As verb : बन्द करना Ex:  The Theosophical Society uses a swastika as part of its seal रोक लगाना Ex:  Forging a seal
Other : एक भांति का समुद्री जन्तु Ex:  Sealing wax is used to seal the parcels. छाप लगाना Ex:  The warrants were filed under seal छापा Ex:  Achieving a gas-tight seal was difficult with the metallurgy of the day छुड़ाना Ex:  This seal would allow for forgeries of messages of Mansfelt. जड़ना Ex:  He was successful and took several seal skins. ठप्पा लगाना Ex:  A large stained glass window in the City Hall displays the seal ठप्पा Ex:  The seal has weakened दृढ करना Ex:  This "Pashupati" seal shows a seated figure दृढीकरण Ex:  The star is still found on the state seal and flag दृढ़ीकरण Ex:  The colors of the seal mirror that of the Flag of the Philippines. मुद्रांकित करना Ex:  The better seal gave more power मुहर बन्द करना Ex:  The Marine Corps seal was designated by General Lemuel C. Shepherd मुहर लगाना Ex:  Affix the seal मुहर Ex:  Affix the seal an act उ:   मामा ने शादी की मुहर लगाई। मोहर या मुद्रा Ex:  Ask, seal a dormant मोहर लगाना Ex:  Chancellor of an embassy, consulate, one who affixes the seal on passports and diplomatic papers on मोहर Ex:  Chancellor of the French Academy, he who kept the seal of the Academy and now replaces the Director prevented सील लगाना Ex:  He was similarly Some of acts will ship under the seal of any authority, or any company or ecclesiastical community or secular
Seal ki paribhasha : manushy ke muanh se nikala hua saarthak shabd gorakhapnthi saadhooon ke pahanane ka ek karnabhooshan jo praayaः kaaanch va sphatik ka hota hai lakadi, dhaatu mitti aadi ka khnd jisapar kisi prakaar ki aakrati, belaboote ya akshar aadi is prakaar khude hon ki use kisi doosari vastu par rakhakar dabaane se ya doosari vastu ki usapar rakhakar dabaane se us doosari vastu par ve aakratiyaaan belaboote ya akshar ubhar aaven athava ban jaaany muanhad kaaante ya lakadi ka bojh jise lakadihaare jngal se sir par uthaakar laate hain kisi lasili vastu ko bich men dekar do vastuon ko paraspar is prakaar jodna ki ve jaldi alag na ho saken ek prakaar ki samudri machhali jisaka chamad aur tel bahut kaam aata hai
Usage of Seal in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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