Seasonal meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Seasonal
As noun : कालसदृश Ex:  There are large seasonal variations in daylight.
समयानुकूल Ex:  Each basin, however, has its own seasonal patterns. उ:   प्रव्रजन के ये दोनों रूप समयानुकूल आवागमन के यथार्थ उदाहरण हैं।
Other : आर्तव Ex:  Equinox to equinox in line with the sun's seasonal influence कालिक Ex:  There is little seasonal temperature variation मौसमी Ex:  The climate is subtropical and mild, with little seasonal differentiation. उ:   मौसमी सामग्री क भी प्रयोग होता है। सामयिक Ex:  They appear to be a seasonal phenomenon उ:   कुछ चुने हुए मामलों में इलाज सामयिक दवा के साथ होता है।
Seasonal ki paribhasha : avadhi arthaat niyat kaal ya sima se yukt
Usage of Seasonal in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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