Sector meaning in hindi
As noun : अँचल Ex:  Public sector industries have been featherbedded by the Government for too long.
अंचर Ex:  Liberalisation policy has galvanized the private sector in the business world. अंचल Ex:  the public sector उ: यह नगर राजस्थान के जयपुर अंचल के अंतर्गत आता है। असोसिएशन Ex:  she applied for loan to buy a house in the public sector housing scheme. इंस्टिट्यूट Ex:  The city has come under criticism for cutting jobs in the public service sector उ: ये बार्लिन-डेल्हम के कैसर विलहेल्म इंस्टिट्यूट में निदेशक हो गए थे। इनस्टिट्यूशन Ex:  The private sector of the economy was small but not entirely insignificant. कार्यक्षेत्र Ex:  The manufacturing sector is the most diverse in the Eastern Caribbean area उ: द्विज जी का कार्यक्षेत्र बिहार राज्य रहा। क्षेत्र Ex:  Each sector covers several neighborhoods of the city. उ: यह संग्रहालय सीनामन क्षेत्र में है। गौधूमीन Ex:  Tourism is a growing sector छेतर Ex:  The industrial sector प्रविषय Ex:  Postlarvae fishing became an important economic sector in many countries. भावभूमि Ex:  This sector contributed approximately 7 percent to GDP in the mid-1980s रूत्त Ex:  Tourism is a very important sector of the Jordanian economy वलज Ex:  The tourist sector contributes over 50% of San Marino's GDP वृतखंड Ex:  This is followed by the services sector and industry . वृत्तखण्ड Ex:  On the Kalinin Front’s attack sector संस्था Ex:  On the Western Front's attack sector उ: इण्डलिनक्स नामक संस्था इस दिशा में कार्यरत है। हृदयदेश Ex:  Another important sector in South Dakota's economy is tourism.
Other : अवखंड Ex:  Public sector gives more interests for the depositors. एक यंत्र सेक्टर Ex:  The private sector included private farmers and gardeners खंड क्षेत्र Ex:  In the industrial sector त्रिज्य खण्ड Ex:  The health sector comprises 17 specialized hospitals and centers त्रिज्यखंड Ex:  Manufacturing is the nation's leading single sector in GDP output वृत खण्ड Ex:  The services sector is the economy's largest and accounts for 45.3% of GDP . वृत्त Ex:  Guinea-Bissau is divided into 8 regions and one autonomous sector . उ: वृत्त की परिधि उसके चारों ओर की लम्बाई होती है। वृत्तखंड Ex:  China is undergoing major reforms in its financial sector उ: यह धातु का ६०° का वृत्तखंड होता है जिसका चाप अंकित होता है। सेक्टर Ex:  Birkenau sector BIIa. उ: होडल में हुडा सेक्टर प्रस्थावित है।
Sector ki paribhasha : vah sthaan jahaaan ann boya jaata ho vah bhoobhaag jisake bhitar rahakar koi vyakti usake hit ke liye kaam karata hai guptacharon ya bhediyon ka varg saadi va odhani ka vah bhaag jo sir athava kndhe par se hota hua saamane chhaati par phaila hua ho
ExamplesUsage of Sector in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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