Secure meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Secure
As noun : निश्चिन्त Ex:  To secure its alliance उ:   न हो निश्चिन्त कुछ अवधानता है।
As verb :
अच्छी तरह से बंद करना Ex:  We should secure our country from foreign attack. आसादन Ex:  an attempt to secure a bridgehead behind enemy lines की रक्षा करना Ex:  In order to secure Soviet interests in Eastern Europe जिहान Ex:  Going beyond calls from Republicans and conservatives to secure the border परिगम Ex:  Nest boxes generally have a secure side door for inspecting the nest. प्राप्त कर लेना Ex:  King Leopold managed to secure it in 1885 through his private efforts प्राप्त करना Ex:  Anne created twelve peers in one day to secure a majority for the court party. लाति Ex:  Polish politicians tried to secure peace with Moscow on any conditions लाधनापु Ex:  He may have needed to visit the city to secure materials in any case. समासादन Ex:  In order to secure Bahrain from returning to Iranian control सुरक्षित करना Ex:  The Austro-Hungarian government began negotiations to secure Italian neutrality
As adjective : अनन्यहृत Ex:  She expressed her dismay at his failure to secure top rank. सुगुप्त Ex:  He decided to secure it as soon as possible सुरक्षित Ex:  After Papen failed to secure a majority उ:   सुरक्षित व्यापार लेनदेन प्रदान करते हैं। स्पृत Ex:  On a mission to Bithynia to secure the assistance of King Nicomedes's fleet
Other : कसकर बाँधना Ex:  The strongroom is as secure as we can make it. क्षेम Ex:  It was done to secure an "R" rating from the MPAA. To Europe छेम Ex:  Yerevan was a secure part of the Armenian Bagratuni Kingdom निःशंक Ex:  It currently exists in several secure laboratories in the world निरापद Ex:  DES by itself is not a secure means of encryption उ:   नीलगाय निरापद जीव प्रतीत हो सकती है पर नर अत्यन्त झगड़ालू होते हैं। निर्भय Ex:  Adams wanted to secure approval from the people निश्चिंत Ex:  The American negotiators were able to secure a favorable treaty निष्कंटक Ex:  Zoos keeping adult male elephants need extremely secure enclosures पक्काकरना Ex:  But it did help secure Gandhi's election. प्रतिभूत करना Ex:  Applications can reference secure Btrieve data using a URI connection string. बांध रखना Ex:  He hoped to secure Hobart Gap बीमा करना Ex:  Lord Essex's influence could not secure him the position मजबूत Ex:  Linux does not supply the most secure usage of non-executable memory pages उ:   उत्तरदायी, मजबूत और मांगलिक बनाना है। विश्वासयुक्त Ex:  To secure Minas Gerais and São Paulo सकुशल Ex:  Bismarck acted immediately to secure the unification of Germany. सलामत Ex:  With the port of Narbonne secure सुनिश्चित करना Ex:  Okinawa was declared secure by Allied forces on June 21 सुप्राप्त करना Ex:  Luc Simon, and marry Picasso to secure her children’s rights. हासिल करना Ex:  This means that workers' jobs are no longer secure .
Secure ki paribhasha : jisase kisi prakaar vipatti ki snbhaavana na ho puraanaanusaar rauchy manu ke ek putr ka naam jisake snbndh men nishchay ho chuka ho jisaki bhali bhaaanti raksha ki gai ho
Usage of Secure in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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