Seed meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Seed
As noun : अंकज Ex:  You will stop all bloom if you let the flowers go to seed
अंडा Ex:  the quickening of seed that will become ripe grain उ:   ये इंद्रियाँ अंडा रखने का कार्य करती है। अधिजनन Ex:  The lettuce went to seed and we couldn't eat it . आकाशफल Ex:  Don't let the lawn go to seed . आजाति Ex:  This old coat is going to seed . इंड़ज Ex:  The formation of the seed completes the process of reproduction in seed plants इलायचीदाना Ex:  When the seed coat forms from only one layer it is also called the testa उद्गगम Ex:  At over 20 kg, the largest seed is the coco de mer. चूड़ामाणि Ex:  Environmental conditions effecting seed germination include छाँटना Ex:  Other seed uses include: In mathematics Ex:  Parrots are seed predators rather than seed dispersers जनमु Ex:  The same seed lot grew almost 8 m at other times and places . जनिमा Ex:  Oil seed presses are commonly used in developing countries जन्म Ex:  The seed is a grain 5–12 mm long and 2–3 mm thick. उ:   इनका जन्म ३ अप्रैल १९२९ को शिमला में हुआ था। जम्म Ex:  With a seed grant from Steven Spielberg जम्मण Ex:  The program was based on four premises: 1 New varieties of seed दाना Ex:  At the French Open, Graf was the third seed उ:   इससे गौरेया को दाना नहीं मिल पाता है। देहधारण Ex:  Alternative processes are used for removing the outer fruit from the seed निवाप Ex:  Early seed plants are referred to as gymnosperms Ex:  It has distributed agricultural tools and seed to help rebuild the country. पेशीकोश, पेशीकोष Ex:  Because of the loss of seed dispersal mechanisms प्रजातंतु Ex:  In the more familiar seed plants बागना ‡ Ex:  With seed money from the Julius Rosenwald Fund बालबच्चे Ex:  A grape seed बिज Ex:  Williams went into the French Open as the third seed बीआ Ex:  Despite seed aid from the State, many affected areas were not re-sown. बीज निकालना Ex:  A plant of the grass family, which carries a very small seed which also gives the name बीज ब्ना Ex:  Agriculture and Gardening Plant shrubs, plants and flowers from seed बीज लग्ना Ex:  Botanical family Umbelliferae plant whose seed is used in medicine as a tonic, exciting and carminative बीज वाला Ex:  Botanical integument that covers the seed बीज Ex:  Botanical Kind of seed plants woolly, with one species, the venom-Tames, grows naturally in our climate उ:   बीज बड़ा, दीर्घवत्, अंडाकार होता है। बीहन Ex:  By extension, it also says Fruit legumes, consisting of two terminals which are attached the seed रूढ़ि Ex:  Cover seed रेतज Ex:  cruciferous plant whose seed is used to make mustard वंशतंडुल Ex:  Envelope Botanical seed, seed वंशधर Ex:  Envelope seed in the family Leguminosae वंश्य Ex:  Give buckwheat seed poultry व्यावृति Ex:  Herbs mounted seed, seed that are संततिक Ex:  How long will it seed to plant this piece of land? The year was poor, the laborers have not collected their seeds संतान Ex:  In terms of Agriculture and Gardening, Sowing slatted, Jeter grounded in dispersing the seed as it is possible उ:   एक संतान की उन्नति जन्म स्थान से बाहर होती है। समुच्छय Ex:  In terms of Genealogy, descending line, the seed of someone one as opposed to bottom-line, is said of someone's ancestors Suite समुद् गम Ex:  It is also called Any seed contained in a nucleus स्तुक Ex:  It says Botany some plants in seed which one does not discover lobes or cotyledons स्थूलभाव Ex:  Ivraie, bad seed that comes from the wheat स्वर्णकणिका Ex:  Mustard flour, powdered mustard seed with which poultices are prepared sinapisés हर्षयित्नु Ex:  Part of wheat and several other grass plants, which is placed on top of the stem and formed by the meeting of seed छंटना
Other : आरंभ Ex:  The germinating seed symbolized Osiris rising from the dead. उ:   इसका आरंभ लाइनेक्स से हुआ था। औलाद Ex:  Often seed dormancy is divided into four major categories: exogenous खिलाड़ी Ex:  The embryo must be alive, called seed viability. उ:   यहाँ के कई खिलाड़ी राष्ट्रीय लीगों में खेलते हैं। जड Ex:  Williams was the third seed at the hardcourt tournament in Stanford नसल Ex:  The first primitive seed plants उ:   इस नसल को पूर्व में स्पेनिश बुल लड़ाईयो के लिए काम में लिया जाता था। पोना Ex:  Agassi faced #8 seed Marcos Baghdatis उ:   टोकि पोना या टोकी पोना एक निर्मित भाषा है। बीज उत्पन्न करना Ex:  A mustard seed बीज डालना Ex:  A plant of the family Brassicaceae whose seed provides a good oil to burn, to make soap and other purposes बीज बोना Ex:  Action to seed सन्तान Ex:  In terms of Botany, he said of the seed envelope उ:   किसी को भी अपनी सन्तान को विद्या से वंचित नहीं रहने देना चाहिए।
Seed ki paribhasha : pedon ka vah bhaag jo prathvi ke niche rahata hai kisi kaary ki prathamaavastha ka snpaadan gile aate ki loi ko haath se daba dabaakar ghumaate hue roti ke aakaar men badhaana khadg ke bich ka vah bhaag jo ooancha ho, arthaat jahaaan par vah adhik chaud hota hai vah pravaah jo avichchhinn roop se chalata ho garbh men se nikalakar jivan dhaaran karane ki kriya kisi padaarth se usake kisi ansh ko kaatakar alag karana bachchon ko doodh na pilaanevaale jntuon ke garbhaashay se utpann gol pind jisamen se pichhe se us jiv ke anuroop bachcha banakar nikalata hai phoolavaale vrakshon ka garbhaand jisase vraksh akurit hokar utpann hota he
Usage of Seed in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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