Sell meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Sell
As noun : अँटना Ex:  Unscrupulous politicos are happy to sell their country to gain power.
अभिसंधा Ex:  Traders sell goods. उड़नघाई Ex:  Ram used to peddle to sell his goods. उड़ानघाई Ex:  This car is saleable and we can earn more money if we will sell it. कमाई Ex:  The clerk gave the customer the hard sell . उ:   पसीने की कमाई से गुजर-बसर करना उनका सिद्धांत था। काकरुक Ex:  You'll be sorry if you sell me out . कूटकर्म Ex:  Barrett will not sell to or service any California government agencies". कृहक Ex:  Some horticulturists sell chimeras कौट Ex:  Many manufacturers of soy milk now sell calcium-enriched products as well. खड़ना Ex:  He wanted and had to sell his paintings to make a living खरिदने के लिये मज़बुर करना Ex:  The British and French argued that if they refused to sell oil to the Italians खाड़ेती Ex:  Smash went on to sell over 11 million copies गच्छाना Ex:  DGC Records was hoping to sell 250,000 copies of Nevermind घापट Ex:  Attempts were also made to sell the rifles and ammunition abroad. चरणचार Ex:  Attempts were also made by Hygen to sell Jarmanns to Lithuania चलचूक Ex:  And I'm not out trying to sell them" चलना Ex:  In 2003 a back-up unit of Sputnik 1 called "model PS-1" failed to sell on eBay. चल्लना Ex:  Circumstances pressed the Mdewakanton band of the Dakota to sell their land छंदबंद Ex:  TV stations sell air time to advertisers in order to fund their programming. छांटा Ex:  Some machines that sell a limited range of tickets accept coins only छोड देना Ex:  In the United States and Canada the album did not sell strongly झाँई, झाँई Ex:  Tony Davis went on to sell his product idea to Delrina टुरन Ex:  Tintin's image has been used to sell a wide variety of products तवक Ex:  It will also be illegal to sell lighters थोपना Ex:  Dutch ships, to sell the slaves and buy the sugar. दगलफसल Ex:  The producers can then either sell the resultant sugar धूर्तमता Ex:  Washington could not legally sell the "dower slaves," however धोँक Ex:  Australia forced the family to sell the islands for the sum of AU$6,250,000 धोक Ex:  Sensitive Sonya could sell her body धोखा Ex:  Brewery supply stores have permission to sell larger stills पदक्रम Ex:  Apple started to sell a low-end Mac पदविक्षेप Ex:  In 2000s also Finnish rock bands started to sell well internationally. परिवंश Ex:  Founded to develop and sell BASIC interpreters for the Altair 8800 पादन्यास Ex:  Microsoft used to sell a set-top Digital Video Recorder called the UltimateTV प्रचार करना करना Ex:  The questions section allowed the journal to sell well and to be profitable. प्रचार करना Ex:  Rand's books continue to sell in large numbers प्रचार होना Ex:  Sonya, has to sell her body to earn a living for their family. प्रचारान Ex:  While Nebraska did not sell especially well प्रलंभ Ex:  Both men and women had the right to own and sell property प्रस्थावा Ex:  That album tanked on the charts however, and Gaye struggled to sell a record. बिकना Ex:  This forces her to sell her cotton at a lower price . बीकना Ex:  She has to sell a part of the land to pay off the debt . बेचो Ex:  Audience of auctions, one where they sell goods to court भरभ Ex:  Black Stripe, Association of speculators, businessmen who agree to buy cheap properties, items for sale, and sell them for profits very common high मुगालता Ex:  Buy, sell for cash लादना Ex:  Buy, sell wholesale वस्क Ex:  Distribute, sell programs विक्कण Ex:  General public market where they sell all kinds of goods and held regular dates, one or more times the year and often results in various festivities विक्रय करना Ex:  Giving something for a piece of bread, sell high The low price विक्रय Ex:  He also says of Him, the one whose profession is to sell उ:   पिथौरागढ़ में स्थानीय उद्योग की वस्तुओं का विक्रय भी होता है। विप्रयाण Ex:  He said specifically of the action to publish, to publish, to sell विश्वासघात करना Ex:  He told People that usually run the streets announcing what they sell व्यापार करना Ex:  He was forced to sell part its herds शिकाल Ex:  If I understand correctly, you will sell your values and buy land instead सँचरना Ex:  In terms of jurisprudence, Discussion of goods, search property of a debtor to sell them to justice संश्चत् Ex:  In terms of Jurisprudence, really Enter, Enter for a building to sell by Justice Authority सन्निवेश Ex:  It also means Request a price of a thing we want to sell सौदा करना Ex:  It also said the place where we cooked and where is prepared plaster they sell masons सौदा Ex:  It did not sell its goods, it repackages the उ:   इन तरीकों का इस्तेमाल करके खेती में काफी मुनाफे का सौदा बन सकती है। सौदावी Ex:  It means by extension Debit, sell retail हटैत Ex:  It means more commonly a Special permission granted by the government to export or to sell certain goods
As verb : बेँचना Ex:  But a firm may be unable to sell all of its produce . बेचना Ex:  Asserting his own commodity is said to Merchants who, through their words and their addresses, know how to give a favorable idea of what they want to sell उ:   ‘‘जरूरी था जिसे बेचना उसे बेच नहीं पाए।
Other : बिक्रय करना Ex:  ilas, too, was forced to sell fish in the same village . बिक्री करना Ex:  This problem can be solved if you sell your rice for money . बिक्रीत Ex:  He wants to sell shoes in the market and buy wheat . रक़म Ex:  Buy, sell or barter goods randomly उ:   अपहर्ताओं ने नकद रक़म और भिंडरावाले को जेल से रिहा करने की मांग रखी।
Sell ki paribhasha : shatarnj ya chausar aadi khelon men kisi mohare ya goti aadi ko apane sthaan se badhaana ya hataanaa, athava taash ya gnjiphe aadi khelon men kisi patte ko khel ke kaamon ke liye sab khelanevaalon ke saamane phenkana ve kaat chhaaantakar saaph kiye hue paan ke patte jo dholi men sad gae hon kisi chij par bahut si vastuean rakhana kisi padaarth ka dravy lekar diya jaana mithya vyavahaar jisase doosare ke man men mithya pratiti utpann ho chij dena aur usake badale men daam lena
Usage of Sell in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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