Separation meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Separation
As noun : अलगाव Ex:  The separation between hearts lead to many tensions. उ:   इससे स्कूल तथा शिक्षकों से अलगाव दिखने लगा।
अलहदगी Ex:  The lady cannot tolerate the pangs of separation . असमाहार Ex:  So upon separation of variables. उपजाप Ex:  The chain deposits into an area where further separation occurs. तफर्का Ex:  Model A describes total separation of male and female roles पृथकत्व Ex:  Proto-Iranians first emerged following the separation of Indo-Iranians पृथक्करण Ex:  A separation would follow उ:   प्रथम चरण में डी एन ए का पृथक्करण तथा शुद्धिकरण किया जाता है। प्रविश्लेष Ex:  He defended a strict separation of powers भिन्नात Ex:  In 1924, after the separation विधुति Ex:  Kentucky's delegates accepted Virginia's terms of separation विनाभव Ex:  After separation from his first wife विनिक्षेप Ex:  Privilege separation is a technique विप्रकर्ष, विप्रकर्षण Ex:  This separation can be compared to an assembly line विलग्नता Ex:  Modern separation techniques such as milling वैविक्त्य Ex:  A long separation समुत्पाट Ex:  Dissolving a body by the separation of its parts समुत्पाट Ex:  Dissolving a body by the separation of its parts
Other : अयोग Ex:  the separation of wheat from chaff अलगौझा Ex:  he silenced the whisperings which connected her, untruly and unfairly, with his separation from his wife अवच्छेद Ex:  The distance of separation between Cooper pairs is roughly 100 nm. असंयोग Ex:  This separation was held to be part of physics for many centuries after. काट Ex:  Birds and mammals show complete separation of the heart into two pumps उ:   यह नया जिला पूर्वी खासी हिल्स में से काट कर निकाला गया था। कुटकी Ex:  There he withdraws with his intellectual capacities into complete separation खण्डन Ex:  By 1932, Eliot had been contemplating a separation from his wife for some time. त्याग Ex:  The cultural separation from Central Thailand उ:   विवाह के बाद उन्होंने सुन्दर महल त्याग दिया। पार्थक्य Ex:  The marriage ended in separation and divorce उ:   राग के द्वारा ही गीतों के पार्थक्य और वैशिष्ट्य को समझा जा सकता है। पृथक्ता Ex:  Georgia's government is based on the separation of legislative फूट Ex:  For the article on the theory of separation of powers उ:   तो एसा जान पडता है कि मानो सूर्योदय की प्रतिमा से किरणे फूट पडती है। बँटवारा Ex:  This US form of separation of powers is widely known as "checks and balances". बिलगाव Ex:  Strict separation of powers did not operate in Britain भिन्नता Ex:  After a separation in 1970 उ:   प्रत्येक शैली में एक दुसरे से भिन्नता दिखाई पड़ती हैं। विच्छेद Ex:  The political separation of the Church of England from Rome under Henry VIII उ:   उन्होंने १ अप्रैल २०२१ को साहिल से विवाह विच्छेद की घोषणा की। वियुक्ति या विच्छेद Ex:  In fact, the minimum separation of Pluto and Neptune is over 17 AU वियोग Ex:  Mississippi's government is based on the separation of legislative उ:   बिहारी का वियोग वर्णन बड़ा अतिशयोक्ति पूर्ण है। वियोजन Ex:  Picasso’s marriage to Khokhlova soon ended in separation rather than divorce विलगन Ex:  After a legal separation विविक्त Ex:  They officially announced their separation in 1997 विश्लेष Ex:  Soon after the separation विश्लेषण Ex:  While maintaining a constant separation between the electrode and the workpiece उ:   यहां वेदों के छह अंगों का विश्लेषण है। व्यवच्छेद Ex:  A separation wall शोधन Ex:  Break an organization by separation of its parts उ:   वायु शोधन से सबको आरोग्यवर्धक साँस लेने का अवसर मिलता है। हिज्र Ex:  It particularly means disjunction , separation of things that should be attached
Separation ki paribhasha : ganit men ek snkhya men se usase kuchh chhoti dusari snkhya nikaalane ya ghataane ki kriya dhaatuon ka aushadh roop men vyavahaar karane ke liye snskaar kisi padaarth par se apana svatv hata lene athava use apane paas se alag karane ki kriya kisi padaarth ke snyojak dravyon ka alag alag karana kaat ya chhedakar alag karane ki kriya u—aangareji men ek kahaavat hai ki phoot upajaaon aur shaasan karo do premiyon ka ek doosare se alag hona
Usage of Separation in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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